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Redefining Paternal Filiation through DNA Testing
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies ( IF 0.815 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-01 , DOI: 10.1215/15525864-7025399
Delfina Serrano-Ruano

ABSTRACT:The social malaise produced by thousands of children born out of wedlock and abandoned is widely understood in the Maghreb. It has opened a breach in traditional Islamic legal discourses as well as social practices regarding the establishment of filiation in Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria. Analysis of Islamic jurisprudence and opinions, court decisions, and state laws since 1999 shows that the crisis of abandoned children combined with the biological truth revealed by DNA testing have helped produce a paradigm shift. Islamic legal opinions now argue for the need to grant paternal filiation and rights for children born out of wedlock in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. Majority juristic opinions do not always determine state legal practices, and contemporary Islamic legal positions are neither monolithic nor static.


通过 DNA 测试重新定义父系血统

摘要:数以千计的非婚生和被遗弃儿童造成的社会不适在马格里布地区广为人知。它在突尼斯、摩洛哥和阿尔及利亚关于建立亲子关系的传统伊斯兰法律话语和社会实践中开辟了一个突破口。自 1999 年以来对伊斯兰判例和意见、法院判决和州法律的分析表明,弃儿危机与 DNA 检测揭示的生物学真相相结合,有助于产生范式转变。伊斯兰法律意见现在主张有必要为摩洛哥、阿尔及利亚和突尼斯的非婚生儿童授予父系亲属关系和权利。大多数法律意见并不总是决定国家的法律实践,当代伊斯兰法律立场既不是单一的也不是静态的。