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Funking Our Way to Freedom
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies ( IF 0.816 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-01 , DOI: 10.1215/10642684-4324921
Elliott H. Powell

Malik, Bela. 2003. “Untouchability and Dalit Women’s Oppression.” In Gender and Caste, edited by Anupama Rao, 102 – 7. New Delhi: Kali for Women. Paik, Shailaja, 2014. Dalit Women’s Education in Modern India: Double Discrimination. London: Routledge. Pawar, Urmila, and Meenakshi Moon. 2008. We Also Made History. Translated by Wandana Sonalkar. New Delhi: Zubaan Books. Stoler, Ann Laura. 2004. “Affective States.” In A Companion to Anthropology of Politics, edited by David Nugent and Joan Vincent, 4 – 20. Malden, MA: Blackwell. Tharu, Susie Tharu. 2003. “The Impossible Subject: Caste and the Gendered Body.” In Gender and Caste, edited by Anupama Rao, 261 – 75. New Delhi: Kali for Women.


Funking 我们的自由之路

马利克,贝拉。2003. “贱民与贱民妇女的压迫”。In Gender and Caste,由 Anupama Rao 编辑,102 – 7。新德里:Kali for Women。Paik, Shailaja,2014 年。现代印度的贱民妇女教育:双重歧视。伦敦:劳特利奇。Pawar、Urmila 和 Meenakshi Moon。2008. 我们也创造了历史。旺达纳·索纳尔卡 (Wandana Sonalkar) 翻译。新德里:祖班图书。斯托勒,安劳拉。2004 年。“有影响的国家”。在 A Companion to Anthropology of Politics,由 David Nugent 和 Joan Vincent 编辑,4 – 20。Malden,MA:Blackwell。塔鲁,苏西塔鲁。2003.“不可能的主题:种姓和性别身体。” In Gender and Caste,由 Anupama Rao 编辑,261 – 75。新德里:Kali for Women。