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On Friendship
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies ( IF 0.816 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1215/10642684-7275516
John S. Garrison

Abstract:The essay contemplates the importance of the 2004 special issue of GLQ titled "The Work of Friendship: In Memoriam Alan Bray." The volume offers a critical flashpoint for tracing ongoing debates about the history of sexuality and about the role of queer theory in discussions of past historical periods. The present essay also reflects on the role of friends and social networks in sustaining scholarly communities and discussions.



摘要:这篇文章思考了 2004 年 GLQ 特刊“友谊的工作:纪念艾伦·布雷”的重要性。该卷提供了一个关键的导火索,用于追踪有关性历史和酷儿理论在过去历史时期讨论中的作用的持续辩论。本文还反映了朋友和社交网络在维持学术社区和讨论中的作用。