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The Practice of Slowness
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies ( IF 0.816 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-01 , DOI: 10.1215/10642684-7767767
Kemi Adeyemi

Abstract:This essay understands slowness as an embodied method that black queer women mobilize to articulate their place within gentrifying neighborhoods oriented around speed and its by-product: white heteromasculinity. It follows the women as they participate in a queer dance party dedicated to slow jams, examining how they use slowness to theorize and take pleasure in the party as black queer women. As the party gets more popular, however, the music gets faster, the crowd gets whiter, and black queer women's deployments of slowness shift as they see the party capitulating to a model of success in the neoliberal city that depends on black queer aesthetics even as it disavows black queer subjects. The essay subsequently situates black queer women's conscious practices of slowness within a longer genealogy of black negotiations of the temporal, arguing that black and black queer management of space-time necessarily expands juridical-economic formulations of what David Harvey describes as the "right to the city." In so doing, it argues for more acute attention to the racialized queer mechanics of temporal as well as affective and embodied capital as important terrains on which black queer subjects make themselves intelligible within neoliberal spaces that function through their removal.



摘要:这篇文章将缓慢理解为一种具体的方法,黑人酷儿女性动员黑人女性在以速度及其副产品:白人异性恋为导向的高档社区中表达自己的位置。它跟随女性参加一个致力于慢节奏的酷儿舞会,研究她们如何利用慢节奏来理论化并以黑人酷儿女性的身份在派对中获得乐趣。然而,随着派对变得越来越流行,音乐变得越来越快,人群变得更白,黑人酷儿女性的缓慢部署也发生了变化,因为她们看到派对在依赖黑人酷儿美学的新自由主义城市屈服于成功模式它拒绝黑人酷儿主题。这篇文章随后将黑人酷儿女性置于 在更长的时间黑人谈判谱系中,他有意识地实践缓慢,认为黑人和黑人酷儿时空管理必然扩展大卫哈维所描述的“城市权”的司法经济表述。在这样做时,它主张更敏锐地关注时间以及情感和具身资本的种族化酷儿机制,将其作为重要的领域,在这些领域,黑人酷儿主体在通过其移除发挥作用的新自由主义空间中变得可理解。