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Conspiracy in Modern Egyptian Literature. Benjamin Koerber (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018). Pp. 247. $29.95 paper. ISBN: 9781474455831
International Journal of Middle East Studies ( IF 1.130 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020743820000951
Christian Junge

Tunisia and Egypt ushered in “an information war of historic proportions” (p. 34). Notwithstanding these critiques, Greenberg does break valuable ground by offering a detailed exploration of activism, media, and information warfare in relation to the “Arab Spring.” He complicates straightforward accounts of the Internet empowering revolutionaries across the Middle East and bridges multiple lines of intellectual inquiry, including narratives and counter-narratives, digital dissent and surveillance, revolutionary and counter-revolutionary currents. Greenberg’s writing, moreover, is engaging. Although some chapters would be easier to follow with a roadmap at the start, and a stand-alone conclusion would afford the author a chance to revisit and reflect upon some of his contributions, the book is well written and would make an excellent addition to courses on journalism, media, and the “Arab Spring.” In the end, those interested in the power and politics of narratives will enjoy this book not only for the content it covers but also the questions inspired by it: How did ordinary people, as opposed to only members of the intelligentsia, construct, contest, and conserve narratives of the “Arab Spring”? What efforts will political authorities in the Middle East continue to take to write, rewrite, and erase recent revolutions? And what is at stake in the stories we tell in and outside of Middle East studies?


现代埃及文学中的阴谋。Benjamin Koerber(爱丁堡:爱丁堡大学出版社,2018 年)。pp。247. 29.95 美元的纸。国际标准书号:9781474455831

突尼斯和埃及迎来了“一场具有历史意义的信息战争”(第 34 页)。尽管有这些批评,格林伯格通过详细探讨与“阿拉伯之春”相关的激进主义、媒体和信息战,确实开辟了宝贵的领域。他将互联网赋予中东革命者权力的直截了当的描述复杂化,并在知识探究的多条线上架起了桥梁,包括叙事和反叙事、数字异议和监视、革命和反革命潮流。此外,格林伯格的写作引人入胜。虽然有些章节在开始时使用路线图会更容易理解,而独立的结论将使作者有机会重新审视和反思他的一些贡献,这本书写得很好,可以很好地补充关于新闻、媒体和“阿拉伯之春”的课程。最后,那些对叙事的力量和政治感兴趣的人会喜欢这本书,不仅因为它涵盖的内容,而且因为它启发的问题:普通人,而不是知识分子的成员,如何构建、竞争、并保存“阿拉伯之春”的叙述?中东的政治当局将继续采取哪些努力来编写、改写和消除最近的革命?我们在中东研究内外讲述的故事有什么利害关系?与知识分子相比,普通人是如何构建、竞争和保存“阿拉伯之春”叙事的?中东的政治当局将继续采取哪些努力来编写、改写和消除最近的革命?我们在中东研究内外讲述的故事有什么利害关系?与知识分子相比,普通人是如何构建、竞争和保存“阿拉伯之春”叙事的?中东的政治当局将继续采取哪些努力来编写、改写和消除最近的革命?我们在中东研究内外讲述的故事有什么利害关系?