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Inferiority, not similarity of the decoy to target, is what drives the transfer of attention underlying the attraction effect: Evidence from an eye-tracking study with real choices.
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics ( IF 1.280 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-01 , DOI: 10.1037/npe0000104
Michał Król , Magdalena Król

18 Recent studies reported that the attraction effect, whereby inferior decoys cause choice reversals, 19 fails to replicate if the choice options are presented in a pictorial rather than abstract numerical 20 form. We argue that the pictorial setting makes the similarity between decoy and target salient, 21 while the abstract one emphasizes the inferiority relationship between them, crucial for the effect 22 to occur. Thus, we used a novel experimental design in which both similarity and inferiority are 23 equally easy to judge, their relative strength simple to manipulate, and choices incentivized 24 rather than hypothetical. Using eye-tracking, we found that both the transfer of attention towards 25 an undesirable target and choice reversal likelihood increase when the decoy is more strongly 26 inferior but less similar to the target. This suggests that a key mechanism in the attraction effect 27 is that, by virtue of its inferiority, a decoy projects a spotlight of attention towards the target, 28 making it more attractive. 29



18 最近的研究报告说,吸引力效应,即劣质诱饵导致选择逆转,19 如果选择选项以图形而不是抽象的数字 20 形式呈现,则无法复制。我们认为,图片设置使诱饵和目标之间的相似性突出,21 而抽象的则强调它们之间的自卑关系,这对于效果 22 的发生至关重要。因此,我们使用了一种新颖的实验设计,其中相似性和劣势 23 同样容易判断,它们的相对强度易于操纵,并且选择激励 24 而不是假设。使用眼动追踪,我们发现当诱饵更强大时,注意力转移到 25 一个不受欢迎的目标和选择逆转的可能性都会增加 26 劣势但与目标不太相似。这表明吸引效应 27 的一个关键机制是,由于其自​​卑,诱饵将注意力投射到目标上,28 使其更具吸引力。29