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Surgery, Identity and Embodied Emotion: John Bell, James Gregory and the Edinburgh ‘Medical War’
History Pub Date : 2018-12-14 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-229x.12720

In 1792, James Gregory (1753–1821), Professor of the Practice of Physic at the University of Edinburgh, became involved in a highly public dispute with a family of man midwives. The row centred on a text attributed to ‘J. Johnson Esq’ entitledAGuide for Gentlemen Studying Medicine at the University of Edinburgh (1792). According to Gregory, this was ‘a knavish pamphlet, published under a false name . . . intended to promote the pecuniary interest of one man, and to injure the fame and fortune of another, both of them my colleagues in this University’. Gregory suspected the author to be the Professor ofMidwifery, Alexander Hamilton (bap. 1739, d. 1802), and although the Senate of the university cleared Alexander of any wrongdoing, Gregory’s attention then turned to his son, James Hamilton (1767–1839). According to the established account of events, in 1793 Gregory came across James Hamilton in the precincts of the university and, after a brief exchange of words, thrashed him with his cane. Gregory was subsequently called before the Commissary Court where he was ordered to pay £100 in damages, as well as a fine and expenses. Unrepentant, he claimed that he would gladly pay another £100 for the pleasure of doing it again. As this episode suggests, James Gregory was not averse to engaging in public quarrels with his medical colleagues. Even in the highly fractious



1792 年,爱丁堡大学物理实践教授詹姆斯·格雷戈里(James Gregory,1753-1821 年)卷入了与一个男性助产士家庭的公开争执。该行以归因于“J”的文本为中心。Johnson Esq 题为《爱丁堡大学医学研究绅士指南》(1792 年)。根据格雷戈里的说法,这是“一本以假名出版的卑鄙小册子”。. . 意在促进一个人的金钱利益,损害另一个人的名利,他们都是我这所大学的同事。” 格雷戈里怀疑作者是助产学教授亚历山大·汉密尔顿 (bap. 1739, d. 1802),尽管大学参议院清除了亚历山大的任何不当行为,但格雷戈里的注意力转向了他的儿子詹姆斯·汉密尔顿 (1767-1839) . 根据既定的事件记录,1793 年,格雷戈里在大学区遇到了詹姆斯·汉密尔顿,经过短暂的交谈后,他用拐杖抽打了他。格雷戈里随后被传唤到小卖部法庭,在那里他被命令支付 100 英镑的赔偿金,以及罚款和费用。他不悔改,声称他很乐意再支付 100 英镑,以获得再次这样做的乐趣。正如这一集所暗示的那样,詹姆斯·格雷戈里并不反对与他的医学同事公开争吵。即使在极度暴躁的情况下 他声称他很乐意再支付 100 英镑以换取再次这样做的乐趣。正如这一集所暗示的那样,詹姆斯·格雷戈里并不反对与他的医学同事公开争吵。即使在极度暴躁的情况下 他声称他很乐意再支付 100 英镑以换取再次这样做的乐趣。正如这一集所暗示的那样,詹姆斯·格雷戈里并不反对与他的医学同事公开争吵。即使在极度暴躁的情况下