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Women and Children in the Machine-Made Lace Industry in Britain and France (1810–60)
TEXTILE Pub Date : 2019-10-14 , DOI: 10.1080/14759756.2019.1648723
Fabrice Bensimon

Abstract This article addresses the part played by women and children in the machine-made lace industry in Britain and France (1810–60). Following Heathcoat’s 1809 bobbin-net invention, the formation of a machine-made lace industry in the East Midlands and elsewhere was driven by the men who operated the machines, the “twisthands.” But they were assisted by boy, who were expected to replace and refill the bobbins, and by women and girls who did most of the mending, embroidery, finishing, dressing, bleaching, and dyeing of the lace, much of it in the dark and damp rooms of houses. Working hours were long and toil was exhausting from a very early age. Although female lace workers featured prominently in local struggles, and were often highly skilled, they were nevertheless restricted to low-paid positions in the trade because of gendered notions of skill and occupation. When in 1841 Parliament discussed child labor, the regulation of hours was rejected for lace because of its domestic nature and because of competition from across the Channel. In the Calais area, British lace-makers had developed an industry much like that in Britain. But France was a different country, with a smaller-scale economy, and as a result was characterized less by the separation between home and work and the male breadwinner model. This article examines machine-made lace in view of the historical literature on the part played by women and children in industrialization in both countries. It focuses on the gendered segregation of the work and the respective wages of men, women, and children on both sides of the Channel.


英国和法国机器制造花边行业中的妇女和儿童(1810-60 年)

摘要 本文讨论了英国和法国(1810-60 年)妇女和儿童在机器制造的花边行业中所扮演的角色。在 Heathcoat 于 1809 年发明筒子网之后,在东米德兰兹和其他地方形成了一个机器制造的花边产业,这是由操作机器的人推动的,“twishands”。但是他们得到了男孩的帮助,他们应该更换和重新装满线轴,还有妇女和女孩帮助他们完成大部分的花边修补、刺绣、整理、修整、漂白和染色工作,其中大部分工作是在黑暗中进行的。潮湿的房间。从很小的时候起,工作时间就很长,辛劳也很累。尽管女性花边工人在当地的斗争中占有突出地位,而且通常技术娴熟,然而,由于技能和职业的性别观念,他们被限制在行业中的低薪职位。1841 年议会讨论童工问题时,由于花边的家庭性质和来自海峡对岸的竞争,对工时的规定被否决了。在加来地区,英国的花边制造商发展了一个与英国非常相似的行业。但法国是一个不同的国家,经济规模较小,因此家庭和工作之间的分离以及男性养家糊口模式的特点较少。本文从历史文献中对两国妇女和儿童在工业化过程中所扮演的角色进行了研究。它侧重于工作的性别隔离以及海峡两岸男性、女性和儿童各自的工资。