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The Domestic Veil: The Net Curtain in the Uncanny Home
TEXTILE Pub Date : 2019-10-18 , DOI: 10.1080/14759756.2019.1676617
Carol Quarini

Abstract In this practice-based research the net curtain embodies Freud’s uncanny as the point of slippage between the homely and the unhomely. In this liminal role the net curtain is used to reconsider women’s equivocal experience of home as sanctuary and prison, based on tropes from Victorian gothic novels, but with contemporary parallels. Considered as a domestic veil the net curtain is a metonym for the trapped heroine in those nineteenth-century, gothic novels that critique the notion of separate spheres and the conflation of women with their homes and domesticity. This study builds on research into the uncanny, the gothic and the domestic and the discourse of Mary Douglas and Julia Kristeva on the instability of margins, to reveal the dysfunction that results from breaching domestic boundaries. The net curtain gradually reveals the secrets of the uncanny home. Pins and needles pierce the curtain to mark the passing of time, referencing a cell-bound prisoner. Dust, memories and conversations are trapped within its sieve-like net. Experiences of claustrophobia, confinement and coercion are made manifest through the domestic veil of the net curtain.



摘要 在这项以实践为基础的研究中,网帘体现了弗洛伊德作为家常与不家之间的滑动点的不可思议。在这个阈限角色中,网帘被用来重新考虑女性将家作为避难所和监狱的模棱两可的体验,基于维多利亚时代哥特式小说的比喻,但与当代相似。被视为家庭面纱的网帘是 19 世纪哥特小说中被困女主人公的转喻,这些小说批判了分离领域的概念以及女性与家庭和家庭生活的混杂。本研究建立在对离奇、哥特式和家庭以及玛丽·道格拉斯和朱莉娅·克里斯蒂娃关于边缘不稳定性的论述的研究之上,以揭示因违反家庭边界而导致的功能障碍。网帘逐渐揭开诡异之家的秘密。针和针刺破窗帘以标记时间的流逝,指的是一个被囚禁在牢房中的囚犯。灰尘、记忆和对话都被困在它筛子般的网里。幽闭恐惧症、禁闭和胁迫的体验通过网帘的家庭面纱表现出来。