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Karen L. WallochThe Antivaccine Heresy: Jacobson v. Massachusetts and the Troubled History of Compulsory Vaccination.
American Journal of Legal History Pub Date : 2016-07-31 , DOI: 10.1093/ajlh/njw008
Wendy E. Parmet

Karen L. Walloch. The Antivaccine Heresy: Jacobson v. Massachusetts and the Troubled History of Compulsory Vaccination . (Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester Press. 2015). Pp. x + 352. $125 (hardcover). ISBN: 978-1-58046-537-3. Jacobson v. Massachusetts is the Rorschach test of constitutional law. Ever since the Supreme Court issued the decision in 1905, jurists and legal scholars have cited it for different, often inconsistent, principles, including the deference that courts should give to the state’s police power, the inclusion of public health within the social compact, the constitutionality of mandatory vaccination laws, a patient’s right under the Due Process Clause to reject unwanted medical treatment, the Constitution’s protection for individual privacy, and the constitutionality of mandatory sterilization. Karen L. Walloch’s new history adds yet another perspective to this most famous public health law case. Jacobson upheld the conviction of the Reverend Henning Jacobson who was fined $5 for refusing to be vaccinated during a smallpox outbreak, despite … w.parmet{at}neu.edu


Karen L. Walloch 反疫苗异端:雅各布森诉马萨诸塞州和强制性疫苗接种的麻烦历史。

凯伦 L. 瓦洛克。抗疫苗异端:雅各布森诉马萨诸塞州和强制性疫苗接种的麻烦历史。(纽约州罗彻斯特:罗彻斯特大学出版社。2015 年)。pp。x + 352。125 美元(精装)。ISBN:978-1-58046-537-3。雅各布森诉马萨诸塞州案是对宪法的罗夏测验。自从最高法院于 1905 年发布该决定以来,法学家和法律学者一直在引用该决定,理由是不同的、往往不一致的原则,包括法院应尊重国家警察权力、将公共卫生纳入社会契约、强制疫苗接种法的合宪性、患者根据正当程序条款拒绝不必要的医疗的权利、宪法对个人隐私的保护以及强制绝育的合宪性。凯伦 L。Walloch 的新历史为这个最著名的公共卫生法案例增添了另一个视角。Jacobson 维持了对 Henning Jacobson 牧师的定罪,他因拒绝在天花爆发期间接种疫苗而被罚款 5 美元,尽管…… w.parmet{at}neu.edu