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Art therapy and poverty: examining practitioners’ experiences of working with children and young people in areas of multiple deprivation in West Central Scotland
International Journal of Art Therapy Pub Date : 2017-11-21 , DOI: 10.1080/17454832.2017.1399920
Patricia Watts , Paul Gilfillan , Margaret Hills de Zárate

ABSTRACT Poverty can have a detrimental impact on the emotional well-being, educational attainment and future life chances of children and young people (CYP). It is known that poverty can also create several barriers to CYP and families accessing services. Furthermore, structural factors such as spending cuts on public services mean that professionals working with people affected by poverty have to ‘do more with less’. Practitioners could fail to acknowledge the impact of poverty if they have little cultural experience of poverty through their professional discourses and training. This could create a social distance between service-users and practitioners, as well as a misalignment of priorities, which could lead to inappropriate interventions being offered and opportunities missed to tackle the impact of poverty. This study gathered the views of 10 Art Therapists working in areas of multiple deprivation as determined by the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) in West Central Scotland. The aim was to examine practitioner’s perspectives on poverty and what they notice about its exploration by CYP in art therapy sessions. The study also considered if art therapists working in areas of multiple deprivation adapted their practice to create a contextualised and flexible service that would address the practical as well as the emotional impact of poverty. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analysed using thematic analysis. Whilst most participants showed an awareness of the difficulties faced by CYP affected by poverty, there was evidence that there were numerous cultural barriers meaning the indicators of poverty could be missed by some practitioners. Despite this, participants were clear on the various ways poverty is explored in sessions by CYP. Some art therapists adapted their practice on occasions to address the practical impact of poverty. However, several art therapists faced structural barriers to being able to tackle poverty. Therefore, the data suggests that cultural and structural barriers made it difficult for practitioners working in areas of multiple deprivation to consistently adapt their practice to create a contextualised and flexible service that fully addresses the emotional and the practical impact of poverty.



摘要 贫困会对儿童和青少年 (CYP) 的情绪健康、教育程度和未来生活机会产生不利影响。众所周知,贫困还会对 CYP 和家庭获得服务造成若干障碍。此外,公共服务支出削减等结构性因素意味着与受贫困影响的人一起工作的专业人员必须“事半功倍”。如果从业者通过专业演讲和培训几乎没有贫困的文化经验,他们可能无法承认贫困的影响。这可能会在服务使用者和从业者之间造成社会距离,以及优先事项的错位,这可能导致提供不适当的干预措施并错过解决贫困影响的机会。这项研究收集了 10 位艺术治疗师的观点,这些治疗师在苏格兰中西部的苏格兰多重剥夺指数 (SIMD) 确定的多重剥夺领域工作。目的是检查从业者对贫困的看法,以及他们对 CYP 在艺术治疗课程中探索贫困的注意事项。该研究还考虑了在多重剥夺领域工作的艺术治疗师是否调整他们的实践,以创造一种情境化和灵活的服务,以解决贫困的实际和情感影响。通过半结构化访谈收集数据并使用主题分析进行分析。虽然大多数参与者都意识到 CYP 受贫困影响所面临的困难,有证据表明存在许多文化障碍,这意味着一些从业者可能会忽略贫困指标。尽管如此,与会者清楚地了解了 CYP 在会议中探讨贫困的各种方式。一些艺术治疗师有时会调整他们的做法,以解决贫困的实际影响。然而,一些艺术治疗师在解决贫困问题方面面临结构性障碍。因此,数据表明,文化和结构性障碍使在多重剥夺领域工作的从业者难以始终如一地调整他们的实践,以创造一种情境化和灵活的服务,以充分解决贫困的情感和实际影响。一些艺术治疗师有时会调整他们的做法,以解决贫困的实际影响。然而,一些艺术治疗师在解决贫困问题方面面临结构性障碍。因此,数据表明,文化和结构性障碍使在多重剥夺领域工作的从业者难以始终如一地调整他们的实践,以创造一种情境化和灵活的服务,以充分解决贫困的情感和实际影响。一些艺术治疗师有时会调整他们的做法,以解决贫困的实际影响。然而,一些艺术治疗师在解决贫困问题方面面临结构性障碍。因此,数据表明,文化和结构性障碍使在多重剥夺领域工作的从业者难以始终如一地调整他们的实践,以创造一种情境化和灵活的服务,以充分解决贫困的情感和实际影响。