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Art therapy with refugee children: a qualitative study explored through the lens of art therapists and their experiences
International Journal of Art Therapy Pub Date : 2018-11-09 , DOI: 10.1080/17454832.2018.1533571
Zahra Akthar 1 , Andrew Lovell 2

ABSTRACT This article sets out to explore the use of art therapy with refugee children, from the perspective of art therapists and their experiences. Three semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain insights by capturing experiences and stories. Using thematic analysis, five themes were identified: (1) giving voice; (2) rebuilding trust, opening wounds; (3) sharing stories, healing pain; (4) exploring identity, discovering new-self; and (5) understanding art therapy. Upon reflection, two key aspects of art therapy were established, these were identified as: (1) providing refugee children with a safe space to heal and discover new-self, and (2) giving refugee children a voice to express and share stories. Despite the last of the five themes (understanding art therapy) being established as a factor that limits the use of art therapy, this has created an avenue for further research. From the findings, it was concluded that art therapy can be a useful form of psychotherapy for refugee children. Art therapy can provide these children with a safe space to heal, and give them a voice to be heard. Plain-language summary This research explores the use of art therapy with refugee children from the art therapist’s perspective. Three semi-structured interviews were carried out with art therapists who had experience of working with refugee children. Once interviews were collected, these were then analysed using a method of analysis which enables common themes to be found amongst the unique set of experiences and stories collected. The analysis generated five themes, which were: (1) Giving Voice, (2) Rebuilding Trust, Opening Wounds, (3) Sharing Stories, Healing Pain, (4) Exploring Identity, Discovering New-self, and (5) Understanding Art Therapy. The first four themes suggested that art therapy is a useful form of therapy for refugee children. However, theme 5 (understanding art therapy) could be a limitation for art therapy with this client group, as art therapy is often unknown to them. Taking this research forward, it will be important to explore the use of art therapy with refugee children by carrying out further research with the children themselves. In conclusion, art therapy can be a useful form of therapy for refugee children. Art therapy provides these children with a safe space to heal, and gives them a voice to be heard.



摘要 本文旨在从艺术治疗师及其经验的角度探讨对难民儿童进行艺术治疗的情况。进行了三个半结构化访谈,以通过捕捉经验和故事来获得见解。通过主题分析,确定了五个主题:(1)发表意见;(2) 重建信任,打开伤口;(3)分享故事,治愈痛苦;(4)探索身份,发现新的自己;(5) 了解艺术疗法。经过反思,确定了艺术治疗的两个关键方面,它们被确定为:(1)为难民儿童提供一个安全的空间来治愈和发现新的自我,以及(2)让难民儿童有机会表达和分享故事。尽管五个主题中的最后一个(理解艺术疗法)被确立为限制艺术疗法使用的因素,这为进一步研究开辟了道路。从调查结果可以得出结论,艺术治疗可以成为难民儿童心理治疗的一种有用形式。艺术疗法可以为这些孩子提供一个安全的康复空间,并让他们发声。简明语言总结 本研究从艺术治疗师的角度探讨了对难民儿童进行艺术治疗的情况。对具有难民儿童工作经验的艺术治疗师进行了三个半结构化访谈。一旦收集到采访,然后使用一种分析方法对这些进行分析,该方法能够在收集到的一组独特的经验和故事中找到共同的主题。分析产生了五个主题,它们是:(1) 发声,(2) 重建信任,打开伤口,(3) 分享故事,治愈痛苦,(4) 探索身份,发现新自我,以及 (5) 理解艺术疗法。前四个主题表明艺术治疗是一种对难民儿童有用的治疗形式。然而,主题 5(理解艺术治疗)可能是对这个客户群进行艺术治疗的一个限制,因为他们通常不知道艺术治疗。将这项研究向前推进,通过对难民儿童进行进一步的研究,探索艺术疗法对难民儿童的使用将是很重要的。总之,艺术疗法可以成为对难民儿童有用的治疗形式。艺术疗法为这些孩子提供了一个安全的康复空间,并让他们有机会被听到。主题 5(理解艺术治疗)可能是对这个客户群进行艺术治疗的一个限制,因为他们通常不知道艺术治疗。将这项研究向前推进,通过对难民儿童进行进一步的研究,探索艺术疗法对难民儿童的使用将是很重要的。总之,艺术疗法可以成为对难民儿童有用的治疗形式。艺术疗法为这些孩子提供了一个安全的康复空间,并让他们有机会被听到。主题 5(理解艺术治疗)可能是对这个客户群进行艺术治疗的一个限制,因为他们通常不知道艺术治疗。将这项研究向前推进,通过对难民儿童进行进一步的研究,探索艺术疗法对难民儿童的使用将是很重要的。总之,艺术疗法可以成为对难民儿童有用的治疗形式。艺术疗法为这些孩子提供了一个安全的康复空间,并让他们有机会被听到。艺术疗法对于难民儿童来说是一种有用的疗法。艺术疗法为这些孩子提供了一个安全的康复空间,并让他们有机会被听到。艺术疗法对于难民儿童来说是一种有用的疗法。艺术疗法为这些孩子提供了一个安全的康复空间,并让他们有机会被听到。