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India in The Pakistan Times, September 1950-February 1951
India Review ( IF 0.938 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/14736489.2019.1710084
Rakesh Ankit 1

ABSTRACT This article offers a glimpse of the representation of India in The Pakistan Times in 1950–51, in the last months of the first phase of its editorship by Faiz Ahmed Faiz. It contextualizes this reflection in a period of relative lull, marked by pacts on minorities and trade, within the post-Partition upheaval. Focusing especially on editorials, commentaries, and cartoons, it highlights the formation of views of the neighbor from the news that was being generated. The stress is on firstly, a variety of themes included – not just the “unfinished business of Partition”, secondly, a responsible review of these themes – not just a narrow-minded nationalist reading, and thirdly, an involved – if not intertwined – interpretation of both countries’ socio-economic relations, while not underplaying the differences of their regimes. Further, the article goes beyond an inter-governmental framework, as The Pakistan Times went beyond it and presents a slice of the possibilities then existing, of a progressive politics on questions of class, community, and capital. In early independent Pakistan, this was personified by Faiz and this article, while not on him nor on an extensive Saidian reflection of the “other”, tries to trace his imprint in the representation of India in the newspaper he edited and seeks to contribute to our understanding of India as constructed through Pakistani eyes.


《巴基斯坦时报》上的印度,1950 年 9 月至 1951 年 2 月

摘要 本文简要介绍了 1950 年至 51 年《巴基斯坦时报》中印度代表的情况,即 Faiz Ahmed Faiz 在其第一阶段编辑的最后几个月。它将这种反思置于一个相对平静的时期,以少数族裔和贸易协定为标志,在分裂后的动荡时期。特别关注社论、评论和漫画,它突出了邻居从正在生成的新闻中形成的观点。压力首先在于,包括各种主题——不仅仅是“未完成的分区任务”,其次,对这些主题的负责任的审查——不仅仅是狭隘的民族主义阅读,第三,涉及——如果不是交织在一起——解释两国的社会经济关系,同时不淡化其政权的差异。更多,这篇文章超越了政府间框架,正如《巴基斯坦时报》超越了它,并展示了当时存在的一部分可能性,即关于阶级、社区和资本问题的进步政治。在早期独立的巴基斯坦,这被 Faiz 拟人化,这篇文章虽然不是关于他,也不是关于“他者”的广泛的赛迪安反映,但试图追溯他在他编辑的报纸中对印度的代表的印记,并试图为之做出贡献我们对印度的理解是通过巴基斯坦人的眼光构建的。