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Does habitat reclamation following energy development benefit songbird nest survival?
Avian Conservation and Ecology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-16 , DOI: 10.5751/ace-01913-160203
Christopher P. Kirol , Bradley C. Fedy

Songbird communities that rely on sagebrush habitat for breeding are experiencing steep population declines, while a large amount of the sagebrush ecosystem continues to be impacted by energy development. Reclamation is increasingly emphasized as a means of mitigating impacts on species that have been affected by oil and gas development; however, the response of sagebrush species to reclamation has largely been untested. We used nest survival of the Brewer's Sparrow (Spizella breweri breweri) as an indicator of fitness responses to short-term reclamation in sagebrush habitat. We assessed oil and gas reclamation ~5 years after reclamation, but sagebrush reestablishment is a slow process; thus, the legacy of these disturbances (i.e., disturbance scars) will likely remain for decades. We compared Brewer's Sparrow nest survival across a gradient of oil and gas development from undisturbed and active development to areas that had undergone oil and gas reclamation. Nest survival was assessed at multiple scales from microhabitat to landscape. The distribution of nest sites in the active and reclamation areas suggested local avoidance of disturbance, both active and reclamation disturbance, when establishing nesting territories. We found that reclamation benefited nest survival at a local-scale when disturbance exposure exceeded 15%. Our findings demonstrated scale-dependent nest survival relationships. Across microhabitat and landscape scales, sagebrush canopy cover and composition were important to Brewer's Sparrow nest survival. Combined, these finding emphasize the importance of avoiding the removal of sagebrush habitat whenever possible and expediting sagebrush reestablishment in reclamation areas to maintain high quality sagebrush habitat for breeding songbird populations.



依赖山艾树栖息地繁殖的鸣禽群落数量急剧下降,而大量山艾树生态系统继续受到能源开发的影响。开垦作为减轻对受石油和天然气开发影响的物种的影响的一种手段越来越受到重视;然而,山艾树物种对开垦的反应在很大程度上未经测试。我们使用啤酒麻雀(Spizella breweri breweri)的巢生存作为对山艾树栖息地短期开垦的适应性反应的指标。我们在复垦后大约 5 年评估了石油和天然气的复垦,但山艾树的重建是一个缓慢的过程;因此,这些干扰(即干扰疤痕)的遗留问题可能会持续数十年。我们比较了 Brewer' s 麻雀在石油和天然气开发的梯度中生存,从不受干扰的活跃开发到经历过石油和天然气开垦的地区。从微生境到景观的多个尺度评估巢的存活率。活动区和填海区的筑巢地点分布表明,在建立筑巢区时,当地避免干扰,包括活动干扰和填海干扰。我们发现,当干扰暴露超过 15% 时,开垦有利于局部规模的巢穴存活。我们的研究结果证明了依赖于规模的巢生存关系。在微生境和景观尺度上,山艾树冠盖和组成对布鲁尔麻雀巢的生存很重要。结合,