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Co-producing climate information services with smallholder farmers in the Lower Bengal Delta: How forecast visualization and communication support farmers’ decision-making
Climate Risk Management ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.crm.2021.100346
Uthpal Kumar 1 , Saskia E. Werners 1 , Spyridon Paparrizos 1 , Dilip Kumar Datta 2 , Fulco Ludwig 1

Farmers in the Bengal Delta are confronted with increasing hydroclimatic risks due to climate variability and change. The co-production of climate information services that address the farmers' needs could potentially assist farmers with climate-sensitive decision-making and managing their risks. This study aims to investigate how the co-production of climate information services through forecast visualization and communication has improved forecast uptake for climate-sensitive decision-making of smallholder farmers. We applied a farmer field school approach to communicating visual diagrams for 7-day, 14-day, and seasonal forecasts during face-to-face meetings using printed paper, and smartphone applications. Results show that diagram-based forecast visualization and a combined communication approach integrating face-to-face interaction using printed paper and a smartphone app have improved uptake of information services by farmers. Capacity building and frequent interactions at farmer field schools contribute to a better understanding and trust of visual forecasts, interpretation skills, and decision-making capacity of smallholder farmers. We conclude that the co-production effort with farmers combined with the capacity building has resulted in wider sharing, dissemination, and uptake of scientific forecasts for climate-sensitive decision-making by smallholders in the Lower Bengal Delta.



由于气候变异和变化,孟加拉三角洲的农民面临着日益增加的水文气候风险。共同生产满足农民需求的气候信息服务可能会帮助农民做出气候敏感的决策并管理他们的风险。本研究旨在调查通过预测可视化和通信共同生产气候信息服务如何提高小农对气候敏感决策的预测采用率。我们采用农民田间学校的方法,在面对面会议期间使用印刷纸和智能手机应用程序传达 7 天、14 天和季节性预测的可视化图表。结果表明,基于图表的预测可视化和结合使用印刷纸和智能手机应用程序的面对面互动的组合通信方法提高了农民对信息服务的吸收。农民田间学校的能力建设和频繁互动有助于更好地理解和信任小农的视觉预测、解释技能和决策能力。我们得出的结论是,与农民的联合生产与能力建设相结合,导致孟加拉河下游三角洲小农更广泛地共享、传播和采用科学预测,以进行气候敏感决策。农民田间学校的能力建设和频繁互动有助于更好地理解和信任小农的视觉预测、解释技能和决策能力。我们得出的结论是,与农民的联合生产与能力建设相结合,导致孟加拉河下游三角洲小农更广泛地共享、传播和采用科学预测,以进行气候敏感决策。农民田间学校的能力建设和频繁互动有助于更好地理解和信任小农的视觉预测、解释技能和决策能力。我们得出的结论是,与农民的联合生产与能力建设相结合,导致孟加拉河下游三角洲小农更广泛地共享、传播和采用科学预测,以进行气候敏感决策。
