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Why do Indigenous public policies fail?
Policy Studies ( IF 2.152 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.1080/01442872.2021.1954608
Verónica Figueroa Huencho 1


It is often suggested that public policies “fail” when they are formulated and/or implemented in contexts of diversity, specifically for Indigenous Peoples. This article uses a framework developed by McConnell [2010a. “Policy Success, Policy Failure and Gray Areas in-Between.” Journal of International Public Policy 30 (3): 345–362] in order to explain if and why “policy failure” has occurred for Indigenous public policies, using the case of Chile. Data were collected through 30 interviews and an analysis of official documents, literature, and media sources. The findings derived from the empirical analysis show (a) the usefulness of this framework to identify the main dimensions that affect the policy process and its outcomes in Indigenous policies; (b) the interdependence between policy design and the processes/programmes of policies; (c) the relevance of the cultural and political dimension of Indigenous people to prevent policy failure; (d) the little influence of the political dimension on policy failures. Overall, the article makes an important contribution to how Indigenous policies can be assessed and contributes to the broader literature on policy failure.




当公共政策在多样性的背景下制定和/或实施时,通常会被认为是“失败的”,特别是针对土著人民。本文使用由 McConnell [2010a.] 开发的框架。“政策成功、政策失败和中间的灰色地带。” 国际公共政策杂志30 (3): 345–362] 以解释土著公共政策是否以及为什么会出现“政策失败”,以智利为例。数据是通过 30 次采访和对官方文件、文献和媒体来源的分析收集的。实证分析得出的结果表明:(a) 该框架有助于确定影响政策进程及其在土著政策中的结果的主要方面;(b) 政策设计与政策进程/方案之间的相互依存关系;(c) 土著人民的文化和政治层面与防止政策失败的相关性;(d) 政治层面对政策失败的影响很小。全面的,
