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Clara in Qatar: A New Life for a Meissen Porcelain Rhinoceros
Luxury Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.1080/20511817.2020.1864598
Sophie Bostock


The Orientalist Museum in Qatar has a small, but important, Meissen porcelain statue of a rhinoceros. This rhino is none other than Clara, the same rhinoceros which toured Venice in 1751, and enjoyed a career spanning some twenty years touring Europe. She became so famous that she was commemorated in art of a variety of media and is represented in the two famous paintings by Pietro Longhi and Jean-Baptiste Oudry, in bronze sculpture, and even appeared as part of the background of an engraving in an eighteenth-century anatomy book. This article will introduce Qatar’s Meissen rhinoceros, its provenance and highlight the ongoing travels of Miss Clara.




卡塔尔的东方博物馆有一个小而重要的迈森犀牛瓷雕像。这头犀牛正是克拉拉,它是 1751 年游览威尼斯的同一头犀牛,其职业生涯跨越了大约 20 年的欧洲巡回演出。她声名鹊起,以致被各种媒体的艺术所纪念,并在 Pietro Longhi 和让-巴蒂斯特·乌德里 (Jean-Baptiste Oudry) 的两幅名画中以青铜雕塑为代表,甚至作为十八世纪雕刻背景的一部分出现-世纪解剖书。本文将介绍卡塔尔的迈森犀牛、它的出处,并重点介绍克拉拉小姐正在进行的旅行。
