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Art’s Passing for Hegel, Lacoue-Labarthe, and Nancy
Angelaki Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.1080/0969725x.2021.1938401
John McKeane


This article explores the understanding of æsthetics in the work of Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and Jean-Luc Nancy. It does so in relation to Hegel’s claim about art’s dissolution or passing at the end of the classical Greek age, as the world entered the modern Christian age. For the two French thinkers, their relation to Hegel (and to a large extent æsthetics generally) turns on the claim that art was, but is not. The article looks first at Nancy’s discussion of the young girl carrying fruit, a figure used by Hegel to depict this scene in the history of spirit, then moves on to a rarely read but significant article by Lacoue-Labarthe, “The Unpresentable,” before some final thoughts.




本文探讨了 Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe 和 Jean-Luc Nancy 对美学的理解。它与黑格尔关于古典希腊时代结束时艺术消亡或消亡的主张有关,因为世界进入了现代基督教时代。对于这两位法国思想家来说,他们与黑格尔(以及在很大程度上一般意义上的美学)的关系基于艺术曾经是但不是艺术的主张。这篇文章首先看南希对拿着水果的年轻女孩的讨论,黑格尔用这个人物来描绘精神史上的这一场景,然后转到拉库-拉巴特的一篇很少阅读但意义重大的文章,“不可呈现的”,一些最后的想法。
