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Editorial: On My Way In II: Countering Gender Stereotypes in Letters of Reference and Shifting Academic Valorization While We Are at It; Changes in the Masthead; In This Issue; In this Issue – Reviews
European Journal of International Law ( IF 1.734 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.1093/ejil/chab035

It is that time of year again. After months (October–December) of producing one letter of reference after another, it is now the season (January–April) to collect those written by colleagues. I am seeking inspiration for my next season of writing: How does this colleague manage to make me think that the next Marie Curie / Albert Einstein is applying? What lengths do they go to? What words do they use? And how does this other colleague make me immediately think ‘reject’, even though they do not use a single explicitly negative word? There is an art to the signalling that happens through this genre of scholarly writing.


社论:在我的路上 II:反击参考信中的性别刻板印象和改变学术价值;刊头的变化;在这个问题上; 在本期 - 评论

又是一年中的那个时候了。经过几个月(10 月至 12 月)的一封又一封推荐信,现在是收集同事撰写的推荐信的季节(1 月至 4 月)。我正在为我下一季的写作寻找灵感:这位同事如何让我认为下一个玛丽居里/阿尔伯特爱因斯坦正在申请?他们会达到什么长度?他们用什么词?另一位同事如何让我立即想到“拒绝”,即使他们没有使用一个明确的否定词?通过这种学术写作类型进行的信号传递是一种艺术。