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Retention of Postocular Visible Implant Elastomer in Two Sizes of Adult Brown Trout and Rainbow Trout
North American Journal of Fisheries Management ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10656
Amanda M. Bushon 1 , Jacob M. Rash 2

Retention of visible implant elastomer (VIE) was assessed during an evaluation of put-grow-and-take Brown Trout Salmo trutta and Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss stockings in Apalachia Reservoir, North Carolina. Visible implant elastomer was injected in the postocular adipose tissue of two sizes (approximately 254 [small] and 356 [large] mm TL) of Brown Trout and Rainbow Trout in November 2012–2015. Each year, 1,000 large and 1,500 small trout of each species were marked with VIE. Mark retention was assessed after 30 d in a hatchery and during poststocking collection events in Apalachia Reservoir. The recaptured trout were examined for VIE marks during annual spring electrofishing, fall gill-net samples, and a year-long creel survey. The 30-d VIE retention rate for all trout and all years was 99.9%. Following stocking, both sizes of Rainbow Trout were collected up to 17 months after marking and VIE retention was 100%. Large and small Brown Trout were collected up to 33 and 34 months after marking, and the VIE retention rates were 100% and 99.3%, respectively. This study found visible implant elastomer to be an effective and simple batch mark that remained visible on Rainbow Trout for up to 17 months and Brown Trout for up to 34 months postmarking in the wild.



在对长尾鲑鱼和虹鳟鱼Oncorhynchus mykiss进行评估期间评估了可见植入弹性体 (VIE) 的保留率北卡罗来纳州阿巴拉契亚水库的长袜。2012 年至 2015 年 11 月,将可见的植入弹性体注射到褐鳟鱼和虹鳟鱼的两种尺寸(大约 254 [小] 和 356 [大] 毫米 TL)的眼后脂肪组织中。每年,每个物种的 1,000 条大鳟鱼和 1,500 条小鳟鱼都被打上了 VIE 标记。在孵化场 30 天后和在 Apalachia 水库的放养后收集活动期间评估标记保留。在一年一度的春季电钓、秋季刺网样本和为期一年的筒子架调查期间,对重新捕获的鳟鱼进行了 VIE 标记检查。所有鳟鱼和所有年份的 30 天 VIE 保留率为 99.9%。放养后,标记后最多 17 个月收集两种规格的虹鳟鱼,VIE 保留率为 100%。标记后最多 33 个月和 34 个月收集大小褐鳟鱼,VIE 保留率分别为 100% 和 99.3%。这项研究发现,可见的植入弹性体是一种有效且简单的批次标记,在彩虹鳟鱼上保持可见长达 17 个月,在野生后标记后长达 34 个月内仍保持可见。