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Parsimony analysis of phylogenomic datasets (I): scripts and guidelines for using TNT (Tree Analysis using New Technology)
Cladistics ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.1111/cla.12477
Ambrosio Torres 1 , Pablo A Goloboff 1, 2 , Santiago A Catalano 1, 3

We discuss here the use of TNT (Tree Analysis using New Technology) for phylogenomic analysis. For such data, parsimony is a useful alternative to model-based analyses, which frequently utilize models that make unrealistic assumptions (e.g. low heterotachy), struggle with high levels of missing data, etc. Parsimony and model-based methods often yield trees with few topological differences, which can then be analyzed further in order to investigate whether these few topological differences are due to undesirable analysis artefacts. This is facilitated by the greater speed and computational efficiency of parsimony, which allow for a more in-depth analysis of datasets. We here briefly describe the computationally most efficient and versatile parsimony software, TNT, which can be used for phylogenetic and phylogenomic analyses. In particular, we describe and provide a series of scripts that are specifically designed for the analysis of phylogenomic datasets. This includes scripts for concatenation of gene data files in different formats, generation of plots and datasets with different levels of gene/taxon occupancy, calculation of different support measures and phylogenetic reconstruction based on concatenated matrices and single genes. The execution of the scripts is also demonstrated with video clips (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpIgK8sVH-yK0Bo3fK62IxA). Lastly, we describe the main commands and functions that enable efficient phylogenomic analyses in TNT.


系统基因组数据集的简约分析(I):使用 TNT 的脚本和指南(使用新技术的树分析)

我们在这里讨论使用 TNT(使用新技术的树分析)进行系统基因组分析。对于此类数据,简约性是基于模型的分析的有用替代方案,后者经常使用做出不切实际假设的模型(例如低异质性),与大量缺失数据作斗争等。简约性和基于模型的方法通常会产生很少的树拓扑差异,然后可以进一步分析这些拓扑差异是否是由于不受欢迎的分析伪影造成的。简约性的更高速度和计算效率促进了这一点,这允许对数据集进行更深入的分析。我们在这里简要描述了计算上最有效和通用的简约软件 TNT,它可用于系统发育和系统发育分析。尤其是,我们描述并提供了一系列专门用于分析系统基因组数据集的脚本。这包括用于连接不同格式的基因数据文件的脚本,生成具有不同基因/分类单元占用水平的图和数据集,计算不同的支持措施以及基于连接矩阵和单个基因的系统发育重建。还通过视频剪辑 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpIgK8sVH-yK0Bo3fK62IxA) 演示了脚本的执行。最后,我们描述了在 TNT 中实现有效系统发育分析的主要命令和功能。生成具有不同基因/分类单元占用水平的图和数据集,计算不同的支持措施以及基于级联矩阵和单基因的系统发育重建。还通过视频剪辑 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpIgK8sVH-yK0Bo3fK62IxA) 演示了脚本的执行。最后,我们描述了在 TNT 中实现有效系统发育分析的主要命令和功能。生成具有不同基因/分类单元占用水平的图和数据集,计算不同的支持措施以及基于级联矩阵和单基因的系统发育重建。还通过视频剪辑 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpIgK8sVH-yK0Bo3fK62IxA) 演示了脚本的执行。最后,我们描述了在 TNT 中实现有效系统发育分析的主要命令和功能。