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Regional resilience: Lessons from a historical analysis of the Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy
Business History ( IF 0.800 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-13 , DOI: 10.1080/00076791.2021.1945034
Patrizio Bianchi 1 , Raffaele Giardino 2 , Sandrine Labory 3 , Alberto Rinaldi 4 , Giovanni Solinas 5


Although regional resilience has been widely discussed in recent years, scholars recognise that there is little understanding of the determinants of the long-term adaptive capacity of regions. Policies for regional resilience have not been discussed at great length. This paper analyses industry evolution and industrial policies in a historical perspective, focussing on the case of the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy, that in the 1980s drew wide attention as a successful case of flexible specialisation based on industrial districts and has experienced important transformations. It has also consistently implemented industrial policies since the 1980s, and we suggest they had a role in favouring the region’s resilience, especially in terms of the long-term vision of industrial development that this policy provides and promotes through various instruments.




尽管近年来区域复原力被广泛讨论,但学者们认识到,对区域长期适应能力的决定因素知之甚少。区域复原力政策尚未得到广泛讨论。本文从历史的角度分析了产业演变和产业政策,以意大利艾米利亚-罗马涅大区为例,该地区在80年代作为基于工业区的灵活专业化的成功案例受到广泛关注,并经历了重要的变革。自 1980 年代以来,它也始终如一地实施产业政策,我们认为它们在促进该地区的复原力方面发挥了作用,
