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Discordant Pleistocene population size histories in a guild of hymenopteran parasitoids
Molecular Ecology ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.1111/mec.16074
William Walton 1 , Graham N Stone 1 , Konrad Lohse 1

Signatures of past changes in population size have been detected in genome-wide variation in many species. However, the causes of such demographic changes and the extent to which they are shared across co-distributed species remain poorly understood. During Pleistocene glacial maxima, many temperate European species were confined to southern refugia. While vicariance and range expansion processes associated with glacial cycles have been widely documented, it is unclear whether refugial populations of co-distributed species have experienced shared histories of population size change. We analyse whole-genome sequence data to reconstruct and compare demographic histories during the Quaternary for Iberian refuge populations in a single ecological guild (seven species of chalcid parasitoid wasps associated with oak cynipid galls). For four of these species, we find support for large changes in effective population size (Ne) through the Pleistocene that coincide with major climate events. However, there is little evidence that the timing, direction and magnitude of demographic change are shared across species, suggesting that demographic histories in this guild are largely idiosyncratic, even at the scale of a single glacial refugium.



在许多物种的全基因组变异中已经检测到过去种群规模变化的特征。然而,这种人口变化的原因以及它们在共同分布的物种中的共享程度仍然知之甚少。在更新世冰川最大值期间,许多温带欧洲物种被限制在南部避难所。虽然与冰川循环相关的替代和范围扩大过程已被广泛记录,但尚不清楚共同分布物种的避难种群是否经历了种群规模变化的共同历史。我们分析了全基因组序列数据,以重建和比较第四纪期间单个生态协会(与橡树 cynipid 瘿相关的七种 chalcid 寄生蜂)中伊比利亚避难种群的人口统计历史。N e ) 通过与主要气候事件同时发生的更新世。然而,几乎没有证据表明人口变化的时间、方向和幅度是跨物种共享的,这表明该行会的人口历史在很大程度上是异质的,即使在单个冰川避难所的规模上也是如此。