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Adolescents’ and emerging adults’ reminisces about emotions in the context of disclosing, concealing, and lying to parents
Social Development ( IF 2.462 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.1111/sode.12522
Judith G. Smetana 1 , Cecilia Wainryb 2

The present study examined early and middle adolescents’ and emerging adults’ emotions associated with salient experiences of disclosure, concealment, and lying to parents about their routine activities. US middle class youth (n = 131; Ms = 12.74, 15.81, 20.40 years, respectively) recalled a time they disclosed, concealed, and lied to parents; using directed questions, participants were asked to recall their emotions when the events happened and in thinking about the events now. Youth reported more relief but also more distress and anxiety when reminiscing about the time they disclosed than they reported at present, whereas they reported more happiness at present than when they disclosed. Youth reported more undifferentiated negative emotions and more guilt—but unexpectedly, also less shame—when reminiscing about the time they concealed and lied than they reported at present; emerging adults reported more guilt than did early and middle adolescents, but only when reflecting on their past experience and not when considering their guilt about that experience now. Middle adolescent females recalled more anxiety and distress when they lied than did either same-age males or older females. Findings shed light on the role of emotions in disclosure, concealment and lying and their implications for self, identity, and moral development.



本研究调查了早期和中期青少年和新兴成年人的情绪,这些情绪与向父母透露、隐瞒和对他们的日常活动撒谎的显着经历相关联。美国中产阶级青年 ( n = 131; Ms = 12.74, 15.81, 20.40 年)回忆了他们向父母透露、隐瞒和撒谎的时间;使用定向问题,参与者被要求回忆他们在事件发生时的情绪以及现在对事件的思考。年轻人在回忆他们披露的时间时比他们现在报告的更轻松,但也更痛苦和焦虑,而他们现在比他们披露时报告更多的幸福。与现在相比,年轻人在回忆他们隐瞒和撒谎的时间时,报告了更多未区分的负面情绪和更多的内疚——但出乎意料的是,羞耻感也更少;新兴成年人比早期和中期青少年报告更多的内疚,但只有在反思他们过去的经历时,而不是在考虑他们现在对那次经历的内疚时。中年女性在撒谎时比同龄男性或年长女性回忆起更多的焦虑和痛苦。研究结果揭示了情绪在披露、隐藏和撒谎中的作用及其对自我、身份和道德发展的影响。