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Supporting Team Reflexivity During the COVID-19 Lockdown: A Qualitative Study of Multi-Vision Groups In-Person and Online
Frontiers In Psychology ( IF 4.232 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.719403
Santa Parrello 1 , Elisabetta Fenizia 2 , Rosa Gentile 2 , Ilaria Iorio 2 , Clara Sartini 2 , Massimiliano Sommantico 1

Introduction The professional self is often hindered by a lack of self-care and poor work-life balance, and cannot be considered an unlimited resource. Given this, the reflexive team is an important organizational tool for protecting workers’ well-being. The non-profit organization Maestri di Strada (MdS) (“Street Teachers”) conducts action research in the area of socio-education. The main tool used by the group to protect the well-being of its members is a guided reflexivity group, inspired by the Balint Group and termed the Multi-Vision Group (MG). In March 2020, because of the COVID-19 lockdown, the MdS team had to quickly revamp its working model, and MGs were held online for the first time. Aim Through qualitative research that takes a longitudinal approach, the aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the MG in supporting the team’s reflexivity in this new online format. Method This article considers MGs during two different time periods: pre-pandemic (T1) and early pandemic (T2). During T1, the MdS team met 18 times in person, while during T2 the team met 12 times through an online platform (always under the guidance of a psychotherapist). During all sessions in both time periods, a silent observer was present in the meetings, and they subsequently compiled narrative reports. The textual corpora of the reports were submitted for a Thematic Analysis of Elementary Contexts through T-Lab Plus, in order to examine the main content of the groups’ discourse. Results The results (5 clusters in T1; and 5 in T2) show that, during T2, the group devoted considerable time to experiences tied to the pandemic (T21: schools facing the pandemic crisis; T2.2: the pandemic: death, inner worlds, and thought resistance; T2.3: kids’ stories involving physical distancing and emotional proximity). The group also came up with innovative educational initiatives that defied the lockdown (T2.4: fieldwork: the delivery of “packages of food for thought”; T2.5: the MdS group: identity and separation). Based on these findings, the MG most likely contributed to the emergence of MdS as a “resilient community”, capable of absorbing the shock of the pandemic and realizing a fast recovery response.


在 COVID-19 封锁期间支持团队反思:面对面和在线多视觉群体的定性研究

简介 职业自我常常受到缺乏自我照顾和工作与生活平衡不佳的阻碍,不能被视为一种无限的资源。鉴于此,反思性团队是保护工人福祉的重要组织工具。非营利组织 Maestri di Strada (MdS)(“街头教师”)在社会教育领域开展行动研究。该小组用来保护其成员福祉的主要工具是一个引导性反思小组,其灵感来自于巴林特小组,并被称为多视觉小组 (MG)。2020 年 3 月,由于 COVID-19 封锁,MdS 团队不得不迅速改造其工作模式,MGs 首次在线举行。目标 通过采用纵向方法的定性研究,本研究的目的是评估 MG 在支持团队以这种新的在线格式进行反思方面的功效。方法 本文考虑了两个不同时间段的 MG:大流行前 (T1) 和大流行早期 (T2)。在 T1 期间,MdS 团队亲自见面了 18 次,而在 T2 期间,团队通过在线平台见面了 12 次(始终在心理治疗师的指导下)。在两个时间段的所有会议期间,会议中都有一名沉默的观察员出席,他们随后编制了叙述性报告。报告的文本语料库通过 T-Lab Plus 提交用于基本语境的主题分析,以检查小组话语的主要内容。结果 结果(T1 中有 5 个聚类;T2 中有 5 个)表明,在 T2 期间,该小组将大量时间用于与大流行相关的经历(T21:面临大流行危机的学校;T2.2:大流行:死亡、内心世界和思想抵抗;T2.3:涉及身体疏远和情感接近的孩子们的故事) . 该小组还提出了无视封锁的创新教育计划(T2.4:实地考察:提供“思想食品包”;T2.5:MdS 小组:身份和分离)。基于这些发现,MG 最有可能促成 MdS 作为“弹性社区”的出现,能够吸收大流行的冲击并实现快速恢复响应。该小组还提出了无视封锁的创新教育计划(T2.4:实地考察:提供“思想食品包”;T2.5:MdS 小组:身份和分离)。基于这些发现,MG 最有可能促成 MdS 作为“弹性社区”的出现,能够吸收大流行的冲击并实现快速恢复响应。该小组还提出了无视封锁的创新教育计划(T2.4:实地考察:提供“思想食品包”;T2.5:MdS 小组:身份和分离)。基于这些发现,MG 最有可能促成 MdS 作为“弹性社区”的出现,能够吸收大流行的冲击并实现快速恢复响应。