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Canadian reflections on the Covid-19 pandemic in social work education: from tsunami to innovation
Social Work Education Pub Date : 2020-09-29 , DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2020.1826922
Beth Archer-Kuhn 1 , Jessica Ayala 1 , Jennifer Hewson 1 , Lorraine Letkemann 1

ABSTRACT Looking back, the first wave of the pandemic was about to hit us and we could not know the impact then; the pedagogic, the emotional/human/relational, and the collaborative. Immediate modifications required pedagogy and pandemic balancing, prioritizing student safety. These reflections of three academics in leadership roles in the Faculty of Social Work faculty at a large university in western Canada, span from mid-March to early May, 2020 as COVID-19 approached. Our reflections consider social work education comprehensively, as an integrated system. We recount the human and emotional nature of our experience; approaches to interacting and collaborating with colleagues, partners, and stakeholders; ways of innovating on local, provincial, and national levels; and examples of how core social work values guided our work. We embraced technology and found energy in innovation through collaboration about pedagogic decisions. It is here among innovation and collaboration, that we discovered our strengths and gained confidence to move forward. This manuscript provided an opportunity to reflect on the ways in which this crisis has forced openness to innovation toward the future of social work education. It also serves as a call to other schools and faculties of social work to share their reflections.


加拿大对社会工作教育中 Covid-19 大流行的反思:从海啸到创新

摘要回首往事,第一波大流行即将袭击我们,我们无法知道当时的影响;教学法、情感/人性/关系和协作。立即修改需要教学法和流行病平衡,优先考虑学生的安全。随着 COVID-19 的临近,三位学者在加拿大西部一所大型大学社会工作学院担任领导角色的这些反思从 2020 年 3 月中旬到 5 月初。我们的反思将社会工作教育作为一个综合系统来考虑。我们讲述了我们经历的人性和情感本质;与同事、合作伙伴和利益相关者互动和协作的方法;地方、省和国家层面的创新方式;以及核心社会工作价值观如何指导我们工作的例子。我们接受了技术,并通过在教学决策方面的合作找到了创新的能量。正是在创新与合作中,我们发现了自己的优势并获得了前进的信心。这份手稿提供了一个机会来反思这场危机迫使社会工作教育的未来向创新开放的方式。它还呼吁其他学校和社会工作学院分享他们的想法。