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Assessment of Social Self-perceptions of Acceptance and Enmity in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Canadian Journal of School Psychology ( IF 1.370 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-09 , DOI: 10.1177/08295735211025200
Rosa García-Castellar 1 , Desirée Sánchez-Chiva 2 , Pilar Jara-Jiménez 1 , Cristina Fernández-Ramos 1

This study analyzes the self-perceptions of social competence in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It compares two groups of participants, children with ADHD (N = 20) and children without ADHD (N = 20) ages between 8 and 12 years old. Sociometric questionnaires were completed by two groups of participants and 707 peers, as well as a questionnaire that evaluates children’s behavior from parents’ and teachers’ perspectives. Results indicate that children with ADHD correctly perceive enmity, but incorrectly perceive friendship. Children with ADHD have low rates of positive reciprocity and qualities that indicate friendship differs considerably from the children without ADHD. The children with ADHD have a different profile of social self-perception than children without ADHD, especially regarding recognizing friendship. The results contribute to the understanding of perceptions of elements of peer relationship and friendships with strong ecological validity. This small scale study provides a proof of concept for improving ecological validity in the methods of evaluating social skills and social emotion learning programming for children with ADHD.



本研究分析了注意力缺陷/多动障碍 (ADHD) 儿童对社交能力的自我认知。它比较了两组参与者,ADHD 儿童 ( N  = 20) 和没有 ADHD 的儿童 ( N = 20) 年龄在 8 至 12 岁之间。社会测量问卷由两组参与者和 707 名同龄人完成,以及一份从父母和老师的角度评估儿童行为的问卷。结果表明,多动症儿童正确感知敌意,但错误感知友谊。患有多动症的儿童积极互惠的比例很低,这表明友谊与没有多动症的儿童有很大不同。患有多动症的儿童与没有多动症的儿童相比,在社会自我认知方面有所不同,尤其是在认识友谊方面。结果有助于理解具有很强生态效度的同伴关系和友谊要素的认知。
