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Do employment promotion policies affect employment or job transfer among older adults? Evidence from Japan
Ageing & Society ( IF 3.718 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.1017/s0144686x21000933
Mingyu Jiang 1

In most rapidly ageing industrialised countries, ageing problems have become an important social issue. In Japan, owing to the rapidly ageing population, the government has been intervening in both the demand side and supply side of labour to increase employment of older adults. This study examines labour supply responses to the increasing pension eligibility age and labour demand responses to company expansion and the abolition of the employee selection mechanism. This study is based on Japanese longitudinal survey data (Keio Household Panel Survey) from 2008 to 2018. Since employment law revisions and social security revisions are inextricably linked, one way to examine the effect of revisions to both simultaneously is to investigate them by cohort. The difference-in-difference model was used to compare revision-affected cohorts born between April 1953 and January 1956 and unaffected cohorts born between April 1949 and March 1953. It was found that the revisions had almost no impact on the employment of older adults and their receipt of pensions. However, they did have significant positive effects on job transfers and resignations. Hence, although the system was modified, it also gave companies the option of placing older adults in associated companies and of retaining some routes for older adults to retire, much as before the revisions.



在大多数快速老龄化的工业化国家,老龄化问题已成为一个重要的社会问题。在日本,由于人口迅速老龄化,政府一直在劳动力的需求侧和供给侧进行干预,以增加老年人的就业。本研究考察了劳动供给对养老金领取年龄增加的反应,以及劳动需求对公司扩张和员工选拔机制取消的反应。本研究基于 2008 年至 2018 年的日本纵向调查数据(庆应义塾家庭小组调查)。 由于雇佣法修订和社会保障修订密不可分,因此同时检查两者修订效果的一种方法是按队列调查它们。差异差异模型用于比较 1953 年 4 月至 1956 年 1 月出生的受修订影响队列和 1949 年 4 月至 1953 年 3 月出生的未受影响队列。发现修订对老年人的就业几乎没有影响,他们领取养老金。然而,它们确实对工作调动和辞职产生了显着的积极影响。因此,虽然该系统经过修改,但它也让公司可以选择将老年人安置在联营公司,并保留一些老年人退休的路线,就像修改前一样。它们确实对工作调动和辞职产生了显着的积极影响。因此,虽然该系统经过修改,但它也让公司可以选择将老年人安置在联营公司,并保留一些老年人退休的路线,就像修改前一样。它们确实对工作调动和辞职产生了显着的积极影响。因此,虽然该系统经过修改,但它也让公司可以选择将老年人安置在联营公司,并保留一些老年人退休的路线,就像修改前一样。
