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Gender, sex, and heteronormativity in high school statistics textbooks
Mathematics Education Research Journal Pub Date : 2021-07-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s13394-021-00390-x
Megan M. Parise 1

Textbooks have a long history of explicitly and implicitly supporting heteronormative ideologies and effectively erasing marginalized populations, such as people who identify as queer, by exclusion. Students view textbooks as an authority over content and spend large portions of in and out of class time interacting with their textbooks. Because high school statistics teachers feel inadequately prepared to teach statistics, they tend to rely heavily on textbooks to drive instruction. In this study, with a theoretical framework of queer theory and critical mathematics, I used qualitative methods to code three high school statistics textbooks based on their representations of gender, sex, and sexuality. Themes related to the maintenance of heteronormative power structures were deconstructed using Fairclough’s (1992) three-dimensional framework for critical discourse analysis. I found that binary gender identities are often conflated with identities related to sex, gender roles are rigidly defined, and relationships are defined as mostly heterosexual. The results of this study have implications for publishers, researchers, and educators in understanding the relationship between gender complexity and curricular resources.



长期以来,教科书明确或隐含地支持异性恋意识形态,并通过排斥有效地消除边缘化人群,例如自认为酷儿的人。学生将教科书视为内容的权威,并在课堂内外花费大量时间与教科书互动。由于高中统计学教师觉得教授统计学的准备不足,他们往往严重依赖教科书来推动教学。在这项研究中,我利用酷儿理论和批判性数学的理论框架,根据三本高中统计学教科书对性别、性别和性取向的表征,使用定性方法编写了它们。使用 Fairclough (1992) 的批判性话语分析的三维框架解构了与维持异性恋权力结构相关的主题。我发现二元性别身份经常与与性别相关的身份混为一谈,性别角色被严格定义,关系主要被定义为异性恋。这项研究的结果对出版商、研究人员和教育工作者在理解性别复杂性与课程资源之间的关系方面具有重要意义。
