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Guest Editorial: Special Section on Advances of Utility and Cloud Computing Technologies and Services
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tcc.2019.2936075
Ching-Hsien Hsu , Manish Parashar , Omer Rana

The articles in this special section focus on advancements of utility and cloud computing technologies and services. Computing is rapidly moving towards a model where it is provided as services that are delivered in a manner similar to traditional utilities such as water, electricity, gas, and telephony. In such a model, users access services according to their requirements, without regard to where the services are hosted or how they are delivered. Several computing architectures have evolved to realize this utility computing vision, including Grid computing, Service- Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Cloud computing,which has recently shifted into the center of attention in the ICT industry. Increasing numbers of IT vendors are promising to offer applications, storage and computation hosting services with conforming Service-Level Agreements



此特殊部分中的文章侧重于实用程序和云计算技术和服务的进步。计算正在迅速转向一种模式,即以类似于传统公用事业(如水、电、气和电话)的方式提供服务的模式。在这种模型中,用户根据他们的要求访问服务,而不考虑服务的托管位置或交付方式。几种计算架构已经演变为实现这一效用计算愿景,包括网格计算、面向服务的架构 (SOA) 和云计算,这些架构最近已成为 ICT 行业关注的焦点。越来越多的 IT 供应商承诺提供符合服务级别协议的应用程序、存储和计算托管服务