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Front End to Back End: Teacher Preparation, Workforce Entry, and Attrition
Journal of Teacher Education ( IF 4.130 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-06 , DOI: 10.1177/00224871211030303
Dan Goldhaber 1, 2 , John Krieg 3 , Roddy Theobald 1 , Marcelle Goggins 2, 4

We use a database of over 15,000 teacher candidates from 15 teacher education programs in Washington state to investigate the connections between specific teacher preparation experiences and the likelihood that these candidates enter and stay in the state’s public teaching workforce. As has been found in prior research, candidates with endorsements in hard-to-staff subjects like math and special education are more likely to enter the public teaching workforce than other candidates. We also find large differences in hiring rates over time, as candidates who graduated in the years prior to and during the Great Recession are far less likely to be hired than candidates in recent years. Finally, teacher candidates hired into the same school type (elementary, middle, or high school) or into schools and classrooms with similar student demographics as their student teaching placement are more likely to stay in the teaching workforce than candidates who experience less alignment.



我们使用来自华盛顿州 15 个教师教育计划的 15,000 多名教师候选人的数据库来调查特定教师准备经历与这些候选人进入并留在该州公共教学队伍中的可能性之间的联系。正如之前的研究发现的那样,在数学和特殊教育等难学学科方面获得认可的候选人比其他候选人更有可能进入公共教学队伍。我们还发现,随着时间的推移,招聘率存在很大差异,因为在大萧条之前和大萧条期间毕业的候选人被聘用的可能性远低于近年来的候选人。最后,教师候选人被聘用到同一学校类型(小学、中学、
