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The Effects of Multitasking and Tools Carried by Travelers Onboard on the Perceived Trip Time
Journal of Advanced Transportation ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-06 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/5597694
Jamil Hamadneh 1 , Domokos Esztergár-Kiss 1

Travelers conduct onboard activities while using the tools they bring with them onboard to convert part of their travel time to a productive time. Productive travel time contributes to the reduction in the disutility of travel time. This paper discusses the influence of travelers’ onboard activities and the tools carried by travelers on the perceived trip time. 10 onboard activities and 12 tools carried by travelers are introduced and studied in this work. A questionnaire focusing on the main trip of each respondent in urban areas is conducted, where a sample size of 525 participants is collected. Statistical methods such as central tendency, chi-square, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), rank-based nonparametric test, and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) are applied. The main findings are the following: almost all of the onboard activities and the tools carried by travelers impact the trip time positively (i.e., the perception is enhanced). For each transport mode, the most frequent onboard activities that impact the trip time positively is obtained, and the connection between each onboard activity and each tool carried by travelers is found (i.e., moderate to strong association). EFA uncovers the underlying relationship between those onboard activities and those tools carried by travelers that influence travelers’ perception. In this case, instead of the full list, fewer onboard activities and tools carried by travelers are produced to simplify the finding of their impacts on the perceived trip time. The participation in onboard activity is ranked across certain groups, such as the tendency of women to be engaged in onboard activities is higher than men’s tendency. Regarding the positive impact on trip time, a statistical difference is demonstrated between groups, where the use of the tools carried by travelers is varied across the transport mode, trip purpose, and trip time, gender, age, education, and job variable. Besides, the involvement in onboard activities is statistically dependent across the transport mode, gender, income, and car ownership variable. The output of this study helps decision-makers and mobility planners in understanding the behavior of travelers onboard in more detail, such as the availability of onboard tools affecting the choice of transport mode.



旅行者在进行机上活动的同时使用他们随身携带的工具将他们的部分旅行时间转换为生产时间。生产性旅行时间有助于减少旅行时间的无效性。本文讨论了旅行者的机上活动和旅行者携带的工具对感知旅行时间的影响。在这项工作中介绍和研究了 10 种机上活动和 12 种旅行者携带的工具。对每个受访者在城市地区的主要旅行进行了问卷调查,其中收集了 525 名参与者的样本量。应用了诸如集中趋势、卡方、探索性因素分析 (EFA)、基于等级的非参数检验和多变量方差分析 (MANOVA) 等统计方法。主要发现如下:几乎所有的机上活动和旅行者携带的工具都会对旅行时间产生积极的影响(即感知得到增强)。对于每种交通方式,获得了对出行时间产生积极影响的最频繁的机上活动,并发现了每种机上活动与旅行者携带的每种工具之间的联系(即,中到强的关联)。全民教育揭示了机上活动与旅行者携带的影响旅行者感知的工具之间的潜在关系。在这种情况下,将生成较少的机上活动和旅行者携带的工具,而不是完整列表,以简化对感知旅行时间影响的发现。机上活动的参与度在某些组中排名,例如女性参与船上活动的倾向高于男性。关于对出行时间的积极影响,不同群体之间存在统计学差异,其中旅行者携带的工具的使用因交通方式、出行目的、出行时间、性别、年龄、教育和工作变量而异。此外,参与机上活动在统计上依赖于运输方式、性别、收入和汽车拥有量变量。本研究的结果有助于决策者和出行规划者更详细地了解旅客在机上的行为,例如影响交通方式选择的机上工具的可用性。其中旅行者携带的工具的使用因交通方式、旅行目的和旅行时间、性别、年龄、教育和工作变量而异。此外,参与机上活动在统计上依赖于运输方式、性别、收入和汽车拥有量变量。本研究的结果有助于决策者和出行规划者更详细地了解旅客在机上的行为,例如影响交通方式选择的机上工具的可用性。其中旅行者携带的工具的使用因交通方式、旅行目的和旅行时间、性别、年龄、教育和工作变量而异。此外,参与机上活动在统计上依赖于运输方式、性别、收入和汽车拥有量变量。本研究的结果有助于决策者和出行规划者更详细地了解旅客在机上的行为,例如影响交通方式选择的机上工具的可用性。