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Movements, habitat use and diving behavior of shortfin mako in the Atlantic Ocean
Frontiers in Marine Science ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-06 , DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.686343
Catarina C. Santos , Andrés Domingo , John Carlson , Lisa J. Natanson , Paulo Travassos , David Macías , Enric Cortés , Philip Miller , Fábio Hazin , Federico Mas , Josetxu Ortiz de Urbina , Pedro G. Lino , Rui Coelho

The shortfin mako is one of the most important shark species caught in Atlantic Ocean pelagic fisheries. Given increasing concerns for the stock status of the species, the present study was designed to fill gaps in the knowledge of habitat use and movement patterns of shortfin mako in the Atlantic Ocean. From 2015 to 2019, 53 shortfin makos were tagged with Pop-up Satellite Archival Tags within the North, Central and Southwest Atlantic Ocean, with successful transmissions received from 34 tags. Generally, sharks tagged in the Northwest and Central Atlantic moved away from tagging sites showing low to no apparent residency patterns, whereas sharks tagged in the Northeast and Southwest Atlantic spent large periods of time near the Canary Archipelago and Northwest Africa, and over shelf and oceanic waters off Southern Brazil and Uruguay, respectively. These areas showed evidence of site fidelity and were identified as possible key areas for shortfin mako. Sharks spent most of their time in temperate waters (18-22°C) above 90 m; however, data indicated the depth range extended from the surface down to 979 m, in water temperatures ranging between 7.4 and 29.9°C. Vertical behavior of sharks seemed to be influenced by oceanographic features, and ranged from marked diel vertical movements, characterized by shallower mean depths during the night, to yo-yo diving behavior with no clear diel pattern observed. These results may aid in the development of more informed and efficient management measures for this species.



短鳍鲭鲨是大西洋​​远洋渔业捕获的最重要的鲨鱼种类之一。鉴于对该物种种群状况的日益关注,本研究旨在填补大西洋短鳍鲭鱼栖息地利用和运动模式知识的空白。从 2015 年到 2019 年,在大西洋北部、中部和西南部,53 只短鳍鲭鱼被贴上了弹出式卫星档案标签,成功传输了 34 个标签。一般来说,在西北和中大西洋被标记的鲨鱼会远离显示出低到没有明显居住模式的标记地点,而在东北和西南大西洋被标记的鲨鱼在加那利群岛和非洲西北部附近以及大陆架和海洋上度过了很长时间分别位于巴西南部和乌拉圭海域。这些区域显示出现场保真度的证据,并被确定为可能是短鳍鲭鱼的关键区域。鲨鱼大部分时间都在 90 m 以上的温带水域(18-22°C)中度过;然而,数据表明深度范围从地表延伸到 979 m,水温范围在 7.4 到 29.9°C 之间。鲨鱼的垂直行为似乎受海洋学特征的影响,范围从以夜间平均深度较浅为特征的明显的昼夜垂直运动,到没有观察到清晰的昼夜模式的悠悠球潜水行为。这些结果可能有助于为该物种制定更明智和有效的管理措施。数据表明深度范围从地表延伸到 979 m,水温范围在 7.4 到 29.9°C 之间。鲨鱼的垂直行为似乎受海洋学特征的影响,范围从以夜间平均深度较浅为特征的明显的昼夜垂直运动,到没有观察到清晰的昼夜模式的悠悠球潜水行为。这些结果可能有助于为该物种制定更明智和有效的管理措施。数据表明深度范围从地表延伸到 979 m,水温范围在 7.4 到 29.9°C 之间。鲨鱼的垂直行为似乎受海洋学特征的影响,范围从以夜间平均深度较浅为特征的明显的昼夜垂直运动,到没有观察到清晰的昼夜模式的悠悠球潜水行为。这些结果可能有助于为该物种制定更明智和有效的管理措施。