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A Convergence of Minds: Teilhard de Chardin and Conway Morris
Theology and Science ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-05 , DOI: 10.1080/14746700.2021.1944499
Seth P. Hart


While the work of Simon Conway Morris has garnered significant attention, very little has been paid to the overlap between his thought and the work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Thus, I first detail the development of Conway Morris’s thought and note his “theological turn.” I then compare this with Teilhard’s evolutionary theology, establishing a broad conceptual overlap. Lastly, I demonstrate Conway Morris’s written engagement with and admiration for Teilhard’s work during his theological turn and conclude that Conway Morris’s later works have been impacted by Teilhardian thought. Consequently, this merits Teilhard’s inclusion in contemporary discussions of convergence and teleology.


思想的融合:Teilhard de Chardin 和 Conway Morris


虽然西蒙·康威·莫里斯的作品引起了极大的关注,但很少有人注意到他的思想与皮埃尔·泰尔哈德·德夏尔丹的作品之间的重叠。因此,我首先详述康威莫里斯思想的发展,并注意他的“神学转向”。然后我将其与 Teilhard 的进化神学进行比较,建立广泛的概念重叠。最后,我展示了康威莫里斯在他的神学转向期间对泰哈德工作的书面参与和钦佩,并得出结论康威莫里斯后来的作品受到了泰哈德思想的影响。因此,这值得 Teilhard 纳入当代关于融合和目的论的讨论中。
