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Combating sharenting: Interventions to alter parents’ attitudes toward posting about their children online
Computers in Human Behavior ( IF 8.957 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2021.106939
Sterling Williams-Ceci 1 , Gillian E. Grose 2 , Annika C. Pinch 1 , Rene F. Kizilcec 3 , Neil A. Lewis 4

Sharenting is a recent phenomenon in which parents disclose detailed information about their children online, which can risk their children's long-term safety and parental relationships. To mitigate these risks and discourage the sharing of inappropriate content, we developed and tested two interventions to deter sharenting in a randomized controlled experiment with 246 parents. Parents watched a video about the dangers of sharenting (Intervention 1) with some assigned to write a summary of this video (Intervention 2) while the remaining participants watched a video unrelated to sharenting (Control). We found that the intervention reduced parents' willingness to post both inappropriate and appropriate content about children, but only if parents reflected on the video message in writing. The interventions did not, however, change parents' attitudes about asking their children for permission before posting. The results advance our understanding of sharenting and offer insights about potential brief and scalable approaches to mitigate sharenting and its consequences. In particular, we demonstrate that a purely informational intervention is not as effective as one that encourages substantive reflection.



分享是最近出现的一种现象,即父母在网上披露有关孩子的详细信息,这可能会危及孩子的长期安全和父母关系。为了减轻这些风险并阻止分享不当内容,我们在一项对 246 位家长进行的随机对照实验中开发并测试了两种干预措施以阻止分享。家长们观看了一段关于分享危险的视频(干预 1),其中一些人被指派撰写该视频的摘要(干预 2),而其余参与者观看了一个与分享无关的视频(控制)。我们发现干预降低了父母发布关于儿童的不当和适当内容的意愿,但前提是父母以书面形式反映视频信息。然而,这些干预措施并没有改变父母的 在发帖前征求孩子同意的态度。结果促进了我们对共享的理解,并提供了有关减轻共享及其后果的潜在简短和可扩展方法的见解。特别是,我们证明了纯粹的信息干预不如鼓励实质性反思的干预有效。
