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Notes on Transkids: an affirmative feminist study of transgender boyhood in Israel’s sexual modernity
Continuum ( IF 2.139 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-05 , DOI: 10.1080/10304312.2021.1951169
Shawna Tang 1


Transkids is a documentary on gender transitioning children in Israel. My interest is in the quotidian lives of the three transmasculine youths portrayed in the film. In reading the documentary, I draw on existing queer feminist cultural studies scholarship on Israel to frame the specific conditions under which these youths realize their boyhood and manhood. In this paper, I ask after three questions. One, what are the community support systems and options for gender affirmation available to transmasculine children in Israel? This is a question of gender transition. But I am also interested in the question of age; that is, the boy’s coming-of-age as men. Thus, my second question: what are the pathways available to these transmasculine children in their development from boyhood to manhood in Israel? Altogether, this paper looks at the possibilities for gender transition for transmasculine children, and also the pathways and promises of a futurity post-transition. Following the gender transitioning process of Ofri, Liron and Noam, Transkids offers an interesting case for the ease with which one becomes a boy and one becomes a man in Israel’s sexual modernity. How might we read this from an affirmative feminist perspective? In the third and final section of the paper, I ask after the ways in which existing feminist scholarships on queer politics in Israel might impact how we think and feel about the trans boys’ everyday lives, which in turn raises further questions for the development of an affirmative feminist boys studies.


Transkids 笔记:以色列性现代性中跨性别少年的积极女权主义研究


转小子是一部关于以色列性别转变儿童的纪录片。我的兴趣是电影中描绘的三个跨男性青年的日常生活。在阅读这部纪录片时,我利用现有的关于以色列的酷儿女权主义文化研究奖学金来构建这些年轻人实现童年和成年的具体条件。在这篇论文中,我问了三个问题。一,以色列的跨男性儿童可以使用哪些社区支持系统和性别确认选项?这是一个性别转变的问题。但我也对年龄问题感兴趣;也就是说,男孩成年后成为男人。因此,我的第二个问题是:这些跨男性儿童在以色列从童年到成年的发展途径是什么?共,本文着眼于跨男性儿童性别过渡的可能性,以及过渡后未来的途径和承诺。在 Ofri、Liron 和 Noam 的性别转变过程之后,Transkids提供了一个有趣的案例,说明在以色列的性现代性中,一个人可以轻松地成为男孩并成为男人。我们如何从积极的女权主义的角度来解读这一点?在论文的第三部分也是最后一部分,我询问了以色列现有的关于酷儿政治的女权主义奖学金可能会如何影响我们对跨性别男孩日常生活的看法和感受,这反过来又对性别的发展提出了进一步的问题。一个积极的女权主义男孩研究。
