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Simulated Pathways of the Northwestern Pacific Water in the Okhotsk Sea
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-05 , DOI: 10.1134/s000143382103004x
P. A. Fayman 1 , S. V. Prants 1 , M. V. Budyansky 1 , M. Yu. Uleysky 1


Water exchange between the Pacific Ocean and the Okhotsk Sea through the Kuril Straits and transport of Pacific waters into and from the Okhotsk Sea are studied. These studies are based on retrospective simulation for the period from 1991 to 2000 by eddy-permitting OGCM RIAMOM and Lagrangian analysis. The volume transport occurs mainly through the seven straits, Bussol, Kruzenshtern, Friz, Ekaterina, Fourth, Nadezhda and Urup straits (in decreasing order of significance). These straits were shown to be responsible for about 95% of total water exchange. We found that the contribution of the Bussol and Kruzenshtern straits in the ocean-sea exchange was considerably overestimated previously. In the active upper 200 m layer, the contribution of the Fourth, Friz and Ekaterina straits is comparable with that of the Kruzenshtern and Bussol straits. Estimations of the depth-integrated transport and transport in the representative model layers in different seasons show that the Northwestern Pacific Water enters the Okhotsk Sea mainly through the northern Kuril Straits, namely, the Kruzenshtern and Fourth straits. The Okhotsk Sea Mode Water flows from the Sea in the upper 200 m layer mainly through the Friz, Ekaterina, Bussol and Urup straits (in decreasing order of significance). Lagrangian simulation reveals the main transport pathways of ocean water into and from the Okhotsk Sea. In the surface and near surface layers, this water is transported to the northwestern shelf of the Sea by the West Kamchatka Current (especially in winter and spring) and by the over slope branch of the North Okhotsk Current. Then it is transferred by the coastal branch of the North Okhotsk Current and flows into the East Sakhalin Current. At depth below 200 m, the ocean water does not reach the northern shelf anyway. At depths of 500 m and deeper, the water exchange between the ocean and the Okhotsk Sea is insignificant because of weak currents at such depths. The simulation results are found to be in a reasonable agreement with instrumental measurements and satellite data.




研究了太平洋和鄂霍次克海之间通过千岛海峡的水交换以及太平洋水域进出鄂霍次克海的运输。这些研究基于 1991 年至 2000 年期间通过涡流许可 OGCM RIAMOM 和拉格朗日分析进行的回顾性模拟。体积运输主要通过七个海峡进行,即布索尔海峡、克鲁岑施腾海峡、弗里茨海峡、叶卡捷琳娜海峡、第四海峡、纳杰日达海峡和乌鲁普海峡(按重要性递减顺序)。这些海峡被证明负责大约 95% 的总水交换。我们发现,布索尔海峡和克鲁森施滕海峡在海-海交换中的贡献以前被大大高估了。在活动的上层 200 m 中,第四海峡、弗里兹海峡和叶卡捷琳娜海峡的贡献与克鲁森施滕海峡和布索尔海峡的贡献相当。对不同季节代表性模型层的深度综合输运和输运的估计表明,西北太平洋水域主要通过北千岛海峡,即克鲁岑施腾海峡和第四海峡进入鄂霍次克海。鄂霍次克海模式 水从上 200 m 层的海洋流出,主要流经 Friz、Ekaterina、Bussol 和 Urup 海峡(按重要性递减顺序)。拉格朗日模拟揭示了海水进出鄂霍次克海的主要运输途径。在表层和近表层,这些水被西堪察加洋流(特别是在冬季和春季)和北鄂霍次克洋流的斜坡支流输送到海的西北大陆架。然后由北鄂霍次克海流的海岸支流转移,流入东库页岛海流。在 200 m 以下的深度,海水无论如何都不会到达北陆架。在 500 m 及更深的深度,海洋和鄂霍次克海之间的水交换微乎其微,因为该深度的水流很弱。发现模拟结果与仪器测量和卫星数据具有合理的一致性。
