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Effect of neutrophil-like melanin biomimic photothermal nanoparticles on glomerular mesangial cells in rats with gestational diabetic nephropathy
Colloid and Interface Science Communications ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.colcom.2021.100458
Jing Li 1 , Jihong Zhang 1 , Yanqun Lu 1 , Chun Zhang 1

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a disease with abnormal blood glucose for the first time in gestation, and its main harm is vascular lesions, usually diabetic kidney damage. A new glucose ligand modified neutrophil-like cell membrane coated melanin nanoparticle (Melanin@Glc-NCM) was designed and prepared. Through the results of cell and animal experiments the research confirmed that under near-infrared irradiation, Melanin@Glc-NCM achieved excellent kidney-targeted drug delivery. In addition, the results of photothermal therapy in diabetic nephropathy of gestational rats demonstrated that Melanin@Glc-NCM could promote glomerular mesangial cell (GMC) apoptosis and restrain GMC hyperproliferation after near-infrared irradiation to protect the kidney as a therapeutic drug for diabetic nephropathy of gestational rats.



妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)是妊娠期首次出现血糖异常的疾病,其主要危害是血管病变,通常是糖尿病肾损害。设计并制备了一种新的葡萄糖配体修饰的中性粒细胞样细胞膜包被的黑色素纳米颗粒(Melanin@Glc-NCM)。通过细胞和动物实验结果,研究证实在近红外照射下,Melanin@Glc-NCM 实现了出色的肾脏靶向药物递送。此外,光热治疗妊娠大鼠糖尿病肾病的结果表明,近红外照射后,Melanin@Glc-NCM 可促进肾小球系膜细胞(GMC)凋亡,抑制 GMC 过度增殖,作为糖尿病肾病的治疗药物保护肾脏妊娠大鼠。
