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The dynastic diplomacy of the Princely Count of Arenberg at the Stuart court in 1603
The Seventeenth Century Pub Date : 2021-07-05 , DOI: 10.1080/0268117x.2021.1924987
Mirella Marini 1


This article explores the diplomatic strategies used by ambassador Charles of Arenberg, sent by the Archdukes Albert and Isabella, sovereigns of the Netherlands, on an extraordinary mission to London in 1603, to congratulate King James VI & I on his accession. This mission intended to re-establish friendship relations between their courts, compromised by the Dutch Revolt and the Siege of Ostend. Arenberg crafted a Burgundian-Flemish identity, a historically familiar image, supported by the choice of men in his retinue and by the gifts he presented to the king and queen. In doing so, Arenberg himself became a gift. He was the ideal person to bridge the gaps between the Stuarts (as English monarchs) and the archducal regime in Brussels (as successors of the Burgundian dukes). Arenberg’s dynastic diplomacy in 1603 enabled the conclusion of the London peace treaty of 1604 between the Spanish, the English and the Brussels courts.


1603 年阿伦贝格伯爵在斯图亚特宫廷的王朝外交


本文探讨了荷兰君主阿尔伯特大公和伊莎贝拉大公于 1603 年派往伦敦执行非凡使命,以祝贺国王詹姆士六世和一世即位的阿伦伯格大使查尔斯所采用的外交策略。该任务旨在重建两国法院之间的友谊关系,但因荷兰起义和奥斯坦德之围而受到损害。阿伦伯格塑造了勃艮第-佛兰芒人的身份,这是一个历史上熟悉的形象,由他选择的随从人员和他赠送给国王和王后的礼物支持。在这样做的过程中,阿伦伯格本人成为了一份礼物。他是弥合斯图亚特王朝(作为英国君主)和布鲁塞尔大公政权(作为勃艮第公爵的继任者)之间鸿沟的理想人选。
