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The use of digital twins in healthcare: socio-ethical benefits and socio-ethical risks
Life Sciences, Society and Policy Pub Date : 2021-07-05 , DOI: 10.1186/s40504-021-00113-x
Eugen Octav Popa 1 , Mireille van Hilten 2 , Elsje Oosterkamp 2 , Marc-Jeroen Bogaardt 2

Anticipating the ethical impact of emerging technologies is an essential part of responsible innovation. One such emergent technology is the digital twin which we define here as a living replica of a physical system (human or non-human). A digital twin combines various emerging technologies such as AI, Internet of Things, big data and robotics, each component bringing its own socio-ethical issues to the resulting artefacts. The question thus arises which of these socio-ethical themes surface in the process and how they are perceived by stakeholders in the field. In this report we present the results of a qualitative study into the socio-ethical benefits and socio-ethical risks of using digital twins in healthcare. Employing insights from ethics of technology and the Quadruple Helix theory of innovation, we conducted desk research of white literature and 23 interviews with representatives from the four helixes: industry, research, policy and civil society. The ethical scan revealed several important areas where the digital twin can produce socio-ethical value (e.g., prevention and treatment of disease, cost reduction, patient autonomy and freedom, equal treatment) but also several important areas of socio-ethical risks (e.g., privacy and property of data, disruption of existing societal structures, inequality and injustice). We conclude with a reflection on the employed analytical tool and suggestions for further research.



预测新兴技术的伦理影响是负责任创新的重要组成部分。一种这样的新兴技术是数字孪生,我们在这里将其定义为物理系统(人类或非人类)的活复制品。数字孪生结合了各种新兴技术,例如人工智能、物联网、大数据和机器人技术,每个组件都将其自身的社会伦理问题带到了由此产生的人工制品中。因此出现的问题是,这些社会伦理主题中哪些会出现在该过程中,以及该领域的利益相关者如何看待这些主题。在本报告中,我们展示了一项关于在医疗保健中使用数字孪生的社会伦理效益和社会伦理风险的定性研究结果。利用技术伦理和创新四螺旋理论的见解,我们对白人文学进行了案头研究,并对来自四个螺旋的代表进行了 23 次访谈:工业、研究、政策和公民社会。伦理扫描揭示了数字孪生可以产生社会伦理价值的几个重要领域(例如,预防和治疗疾病、降低成本、患者自主和自由、平等对待),但也揭示了几个重要的社会伦理风险领域(例如,隐私和数据财产、现有社会结构的破坏、不平等和不公正)。我们总结了对所采用的分析工具的反思和对进一步研究的建议。预防和治疗疾病、降低成本、患者自主和自由、平等待遇)以及几个重要的社会伦理风险领域(例如,数据的隐私和财产、现有社会结构的破坏、不平等和不公正)。我们总结了对所采用的分析工具的反思和对进一步研究的建议。预防和治疗疾病、降低成本、患者自主和自由、平等待遇)以及几个重要的社会伦理风险领域(例如,数据的隐私和财产、现有社会结构的破坏、不平等和不公正)。我们总结了对所采用的分析工具的反思和对进一步研究的建议。