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Congestion Management of Microgrids with Renewable Energy Resources and Energy Storage Systems
Frontiers in Energy Research ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-05 , DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.708087
Yaling Chen , Yinpeng Liu

With the increasing share of renewable energy resources in the microgrid, the microgrid faces more and more challenges on its reliable operation. One major challenge is the potential congestion caused by the uncoordinated operation of flexible demands such as heat pumps and the high penetration of renewable energy resources such as photovoltaics. Therefore, it is important to conduct microgrid energy management to ensure its reliable operation. The energy storage system (ESS) scheduling as an efficient means to alleviate congestion has been widely used. However, in the existing literature, the ESSs are usually scheduled by the microgrid system operator (MSO) with a direct control manner, which is impractical in the case where customers own ESSs and are willing to schedule ESSs by themselves. To resolve this issue, this paper proposes a network reconfiguration integrated dynamic tariff-subsidy (DTS) congestion management method to utilize ESSs and network reconfiguration to alleviate congestion in microgrids caused by renewable energy resources and flexible demands. In the proposed method, the MSO controls sectionalization switches while customers or aggregators schedule ESSs in response to DTS to alleviate congestion. The DTS calculation model is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming model, considering heat pumps (HPs), ESSs and reconfigurable microgrid topology. The numerical results demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively use ESSs and network topology to alleviate congestion and the MSO does not need to take over scheduling of the ESS.



随着可再生能源在微电网中所占份额的不断增加,微电网的可靠运行面临越来越多的挑战。一项主要挑战是热泵等灵活需求的不协调运行以及光伏等可再生能源的高渗透率导致的潜在拥堵。因此,进行微电网能源管理以确保其可靠运行十分重要。储能系统(ESS)调度作为缓解拥塞的有效手段已得到广泛应用。然而,在现有文献中,ESS 通常由微电网系统运营商 (MSO) 以直接控制的方式进行调度,这在客户拥有 ESS 并愿意自行调度 ESS 的情况下是不切实际的。为了解决这个问题,本文提出了一种网络重构集成动态关税补贴 (DTS) 拥塞管理方法,利用 ESS 和网络重构来缓解由可再生能源和灵活需求引起的微电网拥塞。在所提出的方法中,MSO 控制分段切换,而客户或聚合器响应 DTS 来调度 ESS,以缓解拥塞。DTS 计算模型被制定为混合整数线性规划模型,考虑到热泵 (HP)、ESS 和可重构微电网拓扑。数值结果表明,所提出的方法可以有效地利用ESS和网络拓扑来缓解拥塞,并且MSO不需要接管ESS的调度。