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Krapina and the Case for Neandertal Symbolic Behavior
Current Anthropology ( IF 3.226 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1086/712088
David W. Frayer , Jakov Radovčić , Davorka Radovčić

We review four examples of ritual or symbolic behavior from the central European Mousterian site of Krapina in present-day Croatia. These include evidence of ritual cannibalism and secondary burials; a cranium of a Neandertal female with 35 mostly parallel postmortem lines inscribed into the forehead; eight talons and an associated foot bone from three or four different white-tailed eagles, all with signs of manipulation and assembly into a necklace, bracelet, or rattle; and a limestone rock with black inclusions that appears to have been carried onto the site as a curiosity. These occur well before any modern Homo sapiens entered Europe and are evidence that the Krapina Neandertals had ritual and symbolic capacities. Along with Krapina, there is mounting evidence from other earlier and later Neandertal sites of behaviors generally exclusively attributed to modern H. sapiens.


Krapina 和尼安德特人象征行为的案例

我们回顾了当今克罗地亚克拉皮纳的中欧穆斯特遗址的四个仪式或象征行为的例子。这些包括仪式自相残杀和二次埋葬的证据;一个尼安德特女性的头盖骨,前额刻有 35 条大部分平行的死后线;八只爪子和一根来自三四只不同白尾鹰的脚骨,所有这些都有被操纵和组装成项链、手镯或拨浪鼓的迹象;一块带有黑色内含物的石灰岩似乎是作为一种好奇被带到现场的。这些发生在任何现代智人进入欧洲之前,证明了克拉皮纳尼安德特人具有仪式和象征能力。与克拉皮娜一起,