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Caste War - Violence and the Caste War of Yucatán. By Wolfgang Gabbert. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Pp. 342. $120.00 cloth.
The Americas ( IF 0.529 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1017/tam.2020.80
Rajeshwari Dutt

clase, all topics raised here, intersect, but are also different. We cannot conflate these in practice, because although closely related, they meant different things, and it is important to be precise about them. Otherwise, we risk reducing these, and other Latin American experiences, to processes more historically linked to US experiences. The scholarship on Afro-Mexicans, for its part, has depicted during the last decades a complex picture of the identities of negros, mulatos, moriscos, lobos, chinos, pardos, and morenos in New Spain. Gharala adds one more element to this multifaceted portrait: that of the tributary subject.


种姓战争 - 尤卡坦的暴力和种姓战争。作者:沃尔夫冈·加伯特 剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2019 年。Pp。342. $120.00 布。

clase,这里提出的所有主题,都有交叉,但也不同。我们不能在实践中将它们混为一谈,因为尽管它们密切相关,但它们的含义不同,因此准确地描述它们很重要。否则,我们就有可能将这些和其他拉丁美洲的经验减少到与美国经验更具有历史联系的过程中。就非洲裔墨西哥人而言,在过去几十年中,它描绘了一幅复杂的画面,描绘了新西班牙黑人、穆拉托人、莫里斯科人、罗布人、斜纹棉布裤、帕尔多斯人和莫雷诺人的身份。Gharala 为这幅多方面的肖像添加了另一个元素:朝贡主体的元素。