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Engineering in Mexico - Apostle of Progress: Modesto C. Rolland, Global Progressivism, and the Engineering of Revolutionary Mexico. By J. Justin Castro. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019. Pp. xxiii, 378. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $50.00 cloth; $30 paper.
The Americas ( IF 0.529 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1017/tam.2020.94
Andrew Paxman

considerable influence over the press. Smith points to the shared socioeconomic interests of the government and pressmen (a masculine subculture cemented in boozy revelry), the manipulation of myriad financial incentives, and the development of government publicity machines as the primary factors in influencing what was and was not fit to print. Smith’s analysis of these “spin machines,” which used modern public relations and advertising techniques to build active support for the government, is especially interesting. Yet, without formal censorship the PRI’s control of printed media remained soft and diffuse, and dissidence remained possible.


墨西哥工程 - 进步使徒:Modesto C. Rolland、全球进步主义和墨西哥革命工程。J.贾斯汀卡斯特罗。林肯:内布拉斯加大学出版社,2019 年。Pp。xxiii, 378. 插图。笔记。参考书目。指数。$50.00 布;30 美元的纸。

对新闻界的影响很大。史密斯指出,政府和新闻工作者的共同社会经济利益(一种在醉酒狂欢中巩固的男性亚文化)、对无数财务激励的操纵以及政府宣传机器的发展是影响哪些内容适合和不适合印刷的主要因素. 史密斯对这些“旋转机器”的分析特别有趣,这些机器利用现代公共关系和广告技术来建立对政府的积极支持。然而,在没有正式审查的情况下,PRI 对印刷媒体的控制仍然是软的和分散的,异议仍然存在。