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Antibiotic resistance of fecal indicator bacteria from fishponds and nearby water sources in the Ayeyarwady Delta region of Myanmar
Limnology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10201-021-00661-3
Shane Htet Ko 1 , Hiroshi Sakai 1 , Anil Kumar Anal 2

Antibiotics are widely used for disease prevention in animal husbandry, including on chicken, cow and pig farms. Manure from farm animals can be used as fish food, especially in small-scale fish farming. Antibiotic residues and bacteria from the manure may spread to the fishpond water, which can lead to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant waterborne pathogens. This study focused on the antibiotic resistance of fecal indicator bacteria from fishponds and nearby water environments in the delta region of Myanmar. The findings showed that fishpond water had a higher abundance of bacteria than other surface water sources. Of the detected enterococci in the tested water samples, 14%, 1%, 30%, 10% and 14% were resistant to amoxicillin, vancomycin, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin and tetracycline, respectively. Multidrug-resistant enterococci were found in the chicken excreta-fed fishpond. A significant association was observed between the application of manure in fishponds and the occurrence of antibiotic-resistant enterococci (p < 0.001).



抗生素广泛用于畜牧业的疾病预防,包括养鸡场、牛场和养猪场。来自农场动物的粪便可用作鱼食,特别是在小规模养鱼业中。粪便中的抗生素残留物和细菌可能会扩散到鱼塘水中,从而导致出现耐抗生素的水源性病原体。这项研究的重点是缅甸三角洲地区鱼塘和附近水环境中粪便指示菌的抗生素耐药性。研究结果表明,鱼塘水中的细菌含量高于其他地表水源。受检水样中检出的肠球菌中,对阿莫西林、万古霉素、环丙沙星、庆大霉素和四环素耐药的分别为14%、1%、30%、10%和14%。在鸡粪饲养的鱼塘中发现了耐多药肠球菌。观察到在鱼塘中施肥与耐抗生素肠球菌的发生之间存在显着关联。p  < 0.001)。
