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Relationships heal: Reducing harsh parenting and child abuse potential with relationship-based parent-infant home visiting
Children and Youth Services Review ( IF 2.519 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2021.106135
Megan M. Julian 1 , Maria Muzik 1, 2 , Jennifer M. Jester 1 , Jonathan Handelzalts 1, 3 , Nora Erickson 4, 5 , Marissa Stringer 6 , Holly Brophy-Herb 7 , Julie Ribaudo 6, 8 , Alissa Huth-Bocks 9 , Jamie Lawler 10 , Ann Stacks 11 , Katherine L. Rosenblum 1, 2

Childhood maltreatment and harsh parenting can have lasting effects on young children’s development, and home visiting interventions provide critical opportunities to mitigate this risk. This study aimed to examine associations between participation in the Michigan Model of Infant Mental Health Home Visiting (IMH-HV) and both harsh parenting and child abuse potential. Participants were 76 mothers and their infants/toddlers ( age = 9.9 months at baseline) receiving IMH-HV with Community Mental Health Service Provider agencies in Michigan. Data were collected at baseline (shortly after initiation of services), and 3, 6, 9, and 12 months post baseline assessment. Mothers provided demographic information and completed several questionnaire measures including the Brief Child Abuse Potential Inventory (BCAP). Harsh parenting was rated by a trained research assistant using subscales from the Home Observation of Measurement of the Environment (HOME). Treatment dosage was collected from IMH-HV clinicians. Mothers with higher numbers of IMH-HV visits showed lower levels of observed harsh parenting over the three time points in the study (estimate = 0.050, p = 0.002) and higher cumulative societal factors associated with oppression (SFAO) predicted higher harsh parenting over the three time points. A higher number of IMH-HV visits also predicted lower child abuse potential across the time points of the study (estimate = −0.78, p = 0.043), controlling for SFAO. Participation in the Michigan Model of IMH-HV, delivered in the community, is associated with reductions in both harsh parenting and child abuse potential.



童年时期的虐待和严厉的养育会对幼儿的发展产生持久的影响,家访干预措施为减轻这种风险提供了重要的机会。本研究旨在探讨参与密歇根婴儿心理健康家访模式 (IMH-HV) 与严厉养育和虐待儿童的可能性之间的关联。参与者是 76 名母亲及其婴儿/幼儿(基线年龄 = 9.9 个月),他们在密歇根州社区心理健康服务提供机构接受 IMH-HV。数据在基线(开始服务后不久)以及基线评估后 3、6、9 和 12 个月收集。母亲们提供了人口统计信息并完成了多项问卷调查,包括简短的儿童虐待潜在调查表 (BCAP)。训练有素的研究助理使用家庭环境测量观察(HOME)的子量表对严厉的养育方式进行了评级。治疗剂量从 IMH-HV 临床医生处收集。 IMH-HV 就诊次数较多的母亲在研究的三个时间点上观察到的严厉养育方式较低(估计值 = 0.050,p = 0.002),并且与压迫相关的累积社会因素 (SFAO) 较高,预示着在研究的三个时间点内观察到的严厉养育方式较高。三个时间点。在控制 SFAO 的情况下,较高数量的 IMH-HV 就诊也预示着整个研究时间点虐待儿童的可能性较低(估计值 = -0.78,p = 0.043)。参与在社区提供的 IMH-HV 密歇根模型与减少严厉的养育和虐待儿童的可能性有关。