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Poverty and child abuse and neglect
Children Australia Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1017/cha.2020.62
Frank Ainsworth , Jennifer Lehmann , Rachael Sanders

Recently, the Anne E Casey Foundation announced a ‘first-of-its kind partnership’ between the US Children’s Bureau, Casey Family Programs and Prevent Child Abuse America (http://www aecf org) Each paper has a different focus – social origins (Ainsworth), legal disadvantage (Harrison et al ) and service delivery (Bennett et al ) – but all tell a similar story about how parental poverty makes dealing with child protection authorities an impossible task The second part of this issue contains all remaining articles Because this is the final issue of Children Australia, we have ‘cleared the books’ and this issue of the journal has a higher than usual volume of papers In conducting their analysis, the authors test the relevance of Ambiguous Loss Theory in understanding how removal from families of origin and placement experiences may affect young people and lead to ‘wanted’ pregnancies



最近,安妮 E 凯西基金会宣布了美国儿童局、凯西家庭计划和美国防止虐待儿童组织之间的“首创合作伙伴关系”(http://www aecf org)每篇论文都有不同的侧重点——社会起源(Ainsworth)、法律上的劣势 (Harrison 等人) 和服务提供 (Bennett 等人)——但都讲述了一个类似的故事,即父母的贫困如何使与儿童保护当局打交道成为一项不可能完成的任务 本期的第二部分包含所有剩余的文章,因为这是澳大利亚儿童杂志的最后一期,我们已经“清理了书籍”,这期杂志的论文数量比平时多 在进行他们的分析时,作者测试了模糊损失理论在理解离开原籍家庭和安置经历如何影响年轻人并导致“想要”怀孕方面的相关性