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Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary: Decision‐Making in Central and Eastern Europe. Edited by KálmánPócza. Abingdon, Oxon/New York, NY: Routledge, 2018
Law & Society Review ( IF 2.592 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-29 , DOI: 10.1111/lasr.12466
Christian Boulanger 1

underscores the books intention of offering help where so many people have previously struggled. How to be Happy is a compilation of questions, advice, and information built from the experiences of others, which readers can use to better navigate the potentials of law school. Young recognizes the uniqueness of people and the diversity of their experiences. The inclusion of anecdotes and information from the survey underscore that diversity is not detrimental to law school success. How to be Happy encourages students to work, sometimes creatively, within the law school education system while preserving their connections and identity to the world outside the bounds of constitutional law, and the rigorous courses in a legal education. How to Be Sort of Happy in Law School is a masterpiece for law students, a book that any graduate or professional student should consider reading and a resource for professors of higher education.


宪法政治与司法:中欧和东欧的决策。由 KálmánPócza 编辑。阿宾登,奥克森/纽约,纽约:劳特利奇,2018

强调了本书的意图,即在许多人以前遇到困难的地方提供帮助。How to Be Happy 汇集了根据他人经验构建的问题、建议和信息,读者可以利用它们来更好地发掘法学院的潜力。Young 认识到人的独特性和他们经历的多样性。调查中包含的轶事和信息强调了多样性不会损害法学院的成功。How to Be Happy 鼓励学生在法学院教育系统内工作,有时创造性地工作,同时保留他们与宪法范围之外的世界的联系和身份,以及法律教育中的严格课程。如何在法学院快乐是法学院学生的杰作,