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Effects of cricothyroid and thyroarytenoid interaction on voice control: Muscle activity, vocal fold biomechanics, flow, and acoustics
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-02 , DOI: 10.1121/10.0005275
Mohammadreza Movahhedi 1 , Biao Geng 1 , Qian Xue 1 , Xudong Zheng 1

An MRI-based three-dimensional computer model of a canine larynx was used to investigate the effect of cricothyroid (CT) and thyroarytenoid (TA) muscle activity on vocal fold pre-phonatory posturing and glottic dynamics during voice production. Static vocal fold posturing in the full activation space of CT and TA muscles was first simulated using a laryngeal muscle mechanics model; dynamic flow-structure-acoustics interaction (FSAI) simulations were then performed to predict glottal flow and voice acoustics. The results revealed that TA activation decreased the length and increased the bulging, height, and contact area of the vocal fold. CT activation increased the length and contact area and decreased the height of the vocal fold. Both CT and TA activations increased the vocal fold stress, stiffness, and closure quotient; and only slightly affected the flow rate and voice intensity. Furthermore, CT and TA showed a complex control mechanism on the fundamental frequency pattern, which highly correlated with a combination of the stress, stiffness, and stretch of the vocal fold.



使用基于 MRI 的犬喉三维计算机模型来研究环甲 (CT) 和甲状腺杓状 (TA) 肌肉活动对发声过程中声带前发声姿势和声门动力学的影响。首次使用喉部肌肉力学模型模拟了 CT 和 TA 肌肉完全激活空间中的静态声带姿势;然后进行动态流动-结构-声学相互作用 (FSAI) 模拟以预测声门流动和语音声学。结果表明,TA 激活减少了长度并增加了声带的隆起、高度和接触面积。CT 激活增加了长度和接触面积并降低了声带的高度。CT 和 TA 激活都增加了声带应力、刚度和闭合商;并且仅对流速和声音强度产生轻微影响。此外,CT 和 TA 显示出对基频模式的复杂控制机制,这与声带的应力、刚度和拉伸的组合高度相关。