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Out of the experience of poetry
Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology Pub Date : 2021-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/20539320.2020.1780786
Richard Rojcewicz


This contribution to phenomenological aesthetics takes inspiration from Martin Heidegger’s idea that poetry arises out of the experience of thinking and thinking out of the experience of poetry. The mutual nourishment of philosophy and poetry is put into practice here through a presentation of three poems and the reflections they provoke. The poems are the work of a contemporary Lithuanian-American poet, Rita Malikonytė Mockus. The reflections derive their basic orientation from Heidegger’s phenomenological philosophy of art. This philosophy is phenomenological inasmuch as it views art in terms of what Being and Time characterizes as the preeminent phenomenon, the one bestowing presence on beings while itself receding from presence. This phenomenon, for Heidegger the one and only phenomenon in the strict sense, is Being as bestower of presence. For Heidegger, art in general and especially poetry might “awaken and found anew our vision of, and trust in, that which bestows.” Such vision and trust correspond to the ancient attitude of reverence for what has been bestowed, versus the hubristic attitude of modern technology. The goal of the paper is to appeal to poetry in order to help awaken this reverential attitude which Heidegger sees as the antidote to the thrall cast over us by the things of modern technology. At the end, reverence is brought into relation with Kant’s conception of the beauty of nature as purposiveness without a purpose.




这种对现象学美学的贡献从马丁海德格尔的思想中汲取灵感,即诗歌源于思考的经验,思考源于诗歌的经验。哲学与诗歌的相互滋养在这里通过三首诗的呈现及其引发的反思得以实现。这些诗是立陶宛裔美国当代诗人 Rita Malikonytė Mockus 的作品。这些反思的基本取向来自海德格尔的现象学艺术哲学。这种哲学是现象学的,因为它根据存在和时间来看待艺术。被描述为卓越的现象,一种赋予存在者在场而自身从存在中退去的现象。这种现象,对于海德格尔来说是严格意义上唯一的一种现象,是作为在场之赐的存在。对于海德格尔来说,一般的艺术,尤其是诗歌可能“唤醒并重新发现我们对赋予事物的看法和信任。” 这种远见和信任符合古老的对所赋予事物的崇敬态度,而不是现代技术的傲慢态度。这篇论文的目标是诉诸诗歌,以帮助唤醒这种崇敬的态度,海德格尔将其视为现代技术事物对我们的束缚的解毒剂。最后,崇敬与康德将自然之美视为无目的的有目的性的概念联系起来。
